Reviews for Stir it Up
CheyPaigeFanFic chapter 17 . 6/6
I know it's been a long time, but I do hope you update this! It's so good and I want to read more!
Guest chapter 17 . 1/3/2019
Wow what a great chapter! Please don't leave me hanging there. I'm looking forward to the next one even if it is highly unlikely for you to continue the story after such a long time :(
Guest chapter 1 . 12/28/2018
I love that story! Read it like 5 times already. Please update, that would be so great
Hades Coolest God Ever chapter 1 . 10/3/2016
Could please update this story because it is one of the best stories of Chris in like forever!
zholde2r chapter 17 . 5/26/2016
This story is awesome. I love the way that you have personified Chris and his behaviors. Especially his various actions such as knocking out shape and taking over his class, talking to the minister and spreading rumors. Its just too good.
I also like the characters that you have created because I realize that they act as not only a representation of Chris's emotions but also
A link to his ''good" side.
Guest chapter 17 . 4/25/2015
I really wish you would finish this... the whole trilogy. It's a really good story and I love the humor, although I think the first story had more humor. Chris seemed a little kinder in this one. Even being nice to Harry and not just being sarcastic. It is a shame that you left this the way you did. It is a great Harry Potter/Charmed crossover and definitely one of the better stories (in general) that I've read.

I would have liked to see what was going to happen with Leo. If he really did care about Chris. You hadn't mentioned the gauntlets Ares gave Chris in a while. Were they going to come back into play? You did mention the wand and why Chris never uses it, but I still wonder what the point of having it in the story is. I hope, but am not confident, that you finish this story and the next one to complete the trilogy. You have an amazing story here.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/21/2015
I see you've done a lot with the trilogy... since you didn't even finish two of three.
Guest chapter 17 . 1/1/2015
I mean.. seriously?
Update already! ARGH, it's been too long. I have to know what happens next!
Guest chapter 17 . 12/28/2014
hurry the fuck up and update before i go fucking crazy isi?
ColorsAndWords chapter 17 . 6/7/2014
poor Chrissie...
mysticaljayne chapter 17 . 5/19/2014
I really like it. This chapter makes me cry, though, and would like to know what happens next.
charmedwizard chapter 1 . 11/5/2013
I really hope you update this! It an awesome story! And I don't usually post reviews but the story was so great I had to! Please add another chapter! For your loving fans, and I happen to be one of then so please update!
zhx1 chapter 17 . 9/3/2013
I've just found out about your story and read it in one night. I've gotten say it's /amazing/. I simply adore your characterization of Chris. This is one of the best HP/Charmed crossovers I've ever read. It seems that you haven't updated for quite a while. I know you're busy, but please don't abandon this amazing fic :) Hope to hear more update from this story soon!
wheres the conspiracy chapter 17 . 5/27/2013
Followed both stories in these sequels for the past couple of years and they're my favorite crossovers, they're so good and I know you haven't updated in like years but like...can you? Please? I'd love to see this one finished, I'll be you're biggest fan because they're amazing and I just love you charaterisation of Chris so much; and just please update please :)
lilo202 chapter 17 . 4/27/2013
Damn. I don's know if I want to curse you, kill you or beg you to continue this right this instant.
You're an aweful and sadistic writer who just love to mess with people minds and abndon their wonderful and beautifully written fics when they get to most emotionly charged chapter.
Seriously, who abondon a story after a cliffhanger like thar except the most evil authors?
Just in case my (crazy) mind hadn't made that clear; This is one of the best stories I've ever read, and if you abondon it I'm going to find out where you live and sic my evil cat on you until you start writing it again
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