Reviews for Flawed
inesialen chapter 4 . 12/24/2010
Hope is a beautiful thing; thank you for inviting it to Susan's story. You have done a wonderful job of thinking through Susan's character and why she might have turned away from Aslan and Narnia in this story and in "Points on a Compass". I very much enjoyed both stories. (Good Scripture choice, once again!)
inesialen chapter 3 . 12/24/2010
Oh, my. Very good work. And the idea of the White Witch encouraging Edmund to pursue his own desires in this situation was brilliant; it makes so much sense! (Not that she would still be "alive" in his thoughts, but his character could be plagued by memories of her that could sometimes shift into personifications of his temptations. Does that make any sense...?) And I didn't say this for the previous chapter, but I really appreciate the Scripture at the end of each chapter.
inesialen chapter 2 . 12/24/2010
Awwuh! This was wonderful, really. Lucy did have a flaw that C. S. Lewis revealed to the readers, and you've done a good job of expounding on it a little bit here. And you didn't fail to keep the balance of Lucy's shortcomings with her devout faith in Aslan - bravo!
inesialen chapter 1 . 12/24/2010
Firstly, the Scripture reference was well chosen! Secondly, I like how you're showing flaws here but are not leaving the characters hopeless; "Aslan" is their faithful Savior. Great idea, and well done!
s. du jour chapter 4 . 8/16/2009
A wonderful end to the quartet!
s. du jour chapter 3 . 8/16/2009
This chapter was awesomely awesome.
s. du jour chapter 2 . 8/16/2009
Beautiful. This chapter made me cry.
s. du jour chapter 1 . 8/16/2009
I'm swept away in this story, short as it is. The choice of present tense really works.
deactivated00001 chapter 4 . 7/9/2009
Ohh, what a powerful story. I enjoyed reading every single one of them. I had to say that I liked Lucy and Edmund's the best.

These are such well-written stories, and I have no words to describe how much I adore them!

Brilliantly done.

Shizuku Tsukishima749 chapter 4 . 7/1/2009
AW! The ending was so sad! I definitely recognized the 'Susan knew Aslan' part from the section of LB where she asks Edmund is he knows Aslan and he says, "No, but He knows me." _

Gosh...Lucy's was so sad when it concerned Susan! Edmund's was really creepy because it concerned the White Witch! Peter's was sad, too, as he thought about his times in Narnia and the train! Susan's...gosh, Susan's was so depressingly uplifting as she believed, denied, and missed her siblings all in one! T.T

Rock on! This was absolutely amazing! U *U*

Ever-so sincerely signed,

Shizuku Tsukishima749 :D ;D :) ;)
Alisara chapter 4 . 6/29/2009
Love all your quartets. You deal with the faith, and the topic of Susan insightfully. Always a pleasure to read your work.
whydontyouletmedelete chapter 1 . 5/25/2009
wow,I loved it! cant wait to read the next chapter *click*
Miniver chapter 3 . 5/23/2009
For my money, this is the best chapter of all. The splendid description of Edmund's relationship to Peter at the beginning, with Peter supplying the objective and Edmund the method, set the scene right away, and things only got better after that. Edmund's temptation is exactly what he would fall for at this point in his life: the suggestion that the ends would justify the means because his disobedience of Aslan would be for the high purpose of protecting Narnia. Even though I know what the outcome of the recovery of the rings should be, my heart was in my mouth about how Edmund would resolve things. You really topped yourself with this one.
Miniver chapter 2 . 5/23/2009
I'm thrilled to see more of this story. I certainly don't envy the challenge you set yourself with Lucy! You structured this chapter wonderfully, and you made her wish for completeness in this world completely believable. The description of her encounter with Aslan at the end fits her loving personality perfectly.
rthstewart chapter 3 . 5/23/2009
As you say, there are many ways to take Edmund and this is a very good one here. Peter supplying the objective, Edmund the means. So very true. I enjoyed this take on Edmund as someone who continues to struggle with temptation. He is not perfect, still has that darkness, and we admire him for always and continuing to resist it.
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