Reviews for Arelia
AlexisBaudens chapter 4 . 2/15/2018
it's a pity I would like to see a sequel to Darkhearts happening before Arelia telling how Will died and how he lived the pregnancy of Raven and his last moment.
anon chapter 5 . 3/7/2010
HAHAHA, her hands found Dana’s taut cheerleader fanny and those phys ed showers were murder

Not that there’s anything wrong with it-Seinfeld

anon chapter 4 . 2/24/2009
I forgot to also say it was also utilitarian crime fighting
anon chapter 4 . 2/21/2009
I once heard that Gotham was bad for magic a lot of occult rituals happened their before it was founded by a Norwegian mercenary, taken over by the British, and a sight for major Revolutionary War battle also for forty thousand years a creature has slept under Gotham I think its servent called it Dr. Gotham although Zatana's mansion is somewhere just outside of Gotham I think

Oh yeah forgot about the Batcave's artifacts though I'm glad you had Aenoch's coat I was kind of hoping you'd do more with Nightwing, Robin, Red Robin/Hood-Jason Todd, the Spoiler-Stephanie Brown whose dad the Cluemaster joined the Suicide Squad seeking redemption also Damian Wayne perhaps his variant Red Robin costume or white ninja gear

Speaking of Suicide Squad I'm glad the government has it, Cadmus, Checkmate, the Elite, and Secret Six(yes I know the current incarnation of the Six are villians but they stood up against the much worse villains so there)

Motorcycle built by Cyborg now that's sweet

Did I say sweet hearing these features heart attack great

I kind of thought Arthur Humphreys was Harold Allnut who engineered a lot of equipment for Bruce but Hush took his hunchback away and let him stand like a man and gave him the ability to speak for betraying Bruce Harold thought Hush would just go after Bruce and Bruce would beat him so he didn't see anything wrong with it and Bruce said he understood the desire to be happy and he'd forgive him if he told him who hired him and Harold was about to but Hush shot him dead

Arella seemed a little self-obsessed and bitchy when she said and did that to Arthur

Poor squirrel Ha

Church raffle ready to convert Ha Ha

I think Arella should find a boyfriend

Update soon please
anon chapter 3 . 2/21/2009
Forgot to say Stalker also

Mentioning how she has to deal with all the teenage angst sweet

Wow Dana got jealous maybe Arella should get her own boyfriend

Well I'm confused how powerful are Arella's telepathic powers, while I can see how Bruce could use his Tibetan parlor trick to fool the Martian Manhunter Morgan le Fey said his telepathy was that of a mere amateur so very powerful telepaths should cut right through that or is she just being respectful as she should

That is kind of nice that she admits some people have a chance and can avoid ending up the life of crime which for most ends up either in jail or dead

Yeah Quinzel that's Harley spending just two minutes with the Joker drives anyone insane he's a master Harley was a gifted pychologist on the other had so was Scarecrow and Professor Strange I like Strange he's the one who reminds when I forget that while most of Batman's foes can only challenge him mentally or physically most are both very tough and very smart when compared to normal people like Bruce Strange trained his mind and body pushing them to their limits he's just old and well some people are just genetically superior to others he worked his way out of one of Gotham's slums and no one knows how he paid for medical school also Catman is extremely intelligent and an Olympic level athlete and while he's capable of holding his own with and can go toe to toe with Batman both phyically and mentally on paper Batman has him outclassed a little the same can be said of of Hush and Deadshot, Killer Moth and others, though I prefer those of his enemies who are truly equal or even more than equal physically and mentally on paper like Deathstroke(Slade), the League of Assassin members, the leader of Kobra, Bane who even without venom his natural huge size and extensive conditioning make him stronger and faster then Bruce, and is not a big dumb thug he's just as smart as Batman and Green Arrow bad guy Constantine Drakon though I'm not sure how smart he is though his intelligence must be a lot above average

DeeDee got me thinking of Joker's daughter and Riddlers's daughter Duella Dent and Enigma respectively though my theory is they are Two-Face's twin daughters and like him are mentally disturbed Duella occassionally acts as a hero before the good guys return her to an asylum I don't think it's Arkham though

Yeah it's crime fighting stopping it at the source it's boring and hard and long but more pragmatic effective and efficent

I'm pretty sure the number was over two thousand of Joker's victims he once gassed an entire kindergarten class took out an entire boy scout troop with poisoned cotton candy at least with the mob you know what to expect while I can't stand thieving (While just as morally reprehisible I don't mean like catwoman heists I mean bank robbing, mugging and extortion) I don't see how prostitution and narcotics are any diferent then any other business providing goods and services they are multibillion dollar a year industries you can't do anything about them so let's regulate them and tax them if you are stupid enough to do drugs in the first place well

Only one who cares isn't that what cults and the criminals do is it really any different how they recruit and indoctrinate in that way are heroes and villians any different

Well what poverty is an excuse and they should help Harley

A lot of gangs number in the thousands tens of thousands even today so it isn't really shocking

Pretty cool update soon and Heroes can be sanctimoious hypocrits and it's then I understand villians dedicating their lives to proving them wrong rather then using their minds and/or other talants to legitimate business causes that could probably be more profitable then any crime spree
anon chapter 2 . 2/21/2009
Ace had his way with some dude's prized bitch and then he gave the pups to her so they're doberman rottweiler mixed cool

Oh yeah forgot to say normally I wait to the end or most recent chapter to review but you are so awesome and these are so long I'd forget to compiment specific things

Ace's booty call and Arella now has new problem he stayed silent typical male hilarious

Unschway Ha

I think you mention the daddy's breed first I don't know though if it makes a difference or not

Bruce telling her to learn from a missed once in a lifetime oppurtunity great

Yes she got the doggy

Mad Stan I'm kind of hoping to see Willie Watts with his juvie exercised muscles and psychokinetic powers maybe the golem robot also maybe also Curare and the League of Assassins they're comic book incarnation but loyal to Ra's al Ghul like David Cain and Lady Shiva

You said anarchist it got me thinking Batfoe and Anti-villian Anarky (Lonnie Manchin)he is pretty awesome and then he got me thinking of the General Ulysses Hadrian Armstrong another Batfoe who is a military genius and when he was probably less then twelve united all of Gotham's weakest gangs under him and was powerful enough to take on Black Mask gang Black Mask is (was) a megagangster

I loved how Stan said the corruption extends to the animal kingdom
anon chapter 1 . 2/21/2009
Okay having them from Smallville That is awesome

I loved having the arms dealer say they'd kill his kids and how they could only hold the Jokerz for 72 hours the only things that could have made that better were if he told Batman his predessor didn't have him fooled like the rest of Gotham and taht he was a spoiled little trust fund brat it's easy to have ideals when you're rich not so much when you're poor and struggle to feed your family and also that beating up thugs, psychos, and whatever nutcase that wants to take over the world this week (though I'm all for villians like Ra's al Ghul and Lex Luthor who could end famine and cure cancer give everyone truly futuristic high tech non polluting technology and superpowers lead humanity and the rest of the universe to unimaginable glory if he was calling all the shots and frighteningly may be right about their benevolent dictartorship when the common man doesn't know what is best for him, his wife, their children, and children's children and with organized religion perpetuating ignorance thus slowing, stopping, and even reversing the progress of all mankind to make it easier to control the masses and take the money of the feeble minded along with the idealists on both the extreme left and extreme right who get caught up in their ideals and ignore the brutal facts the common man often doesn't know what is best for him or his children's children then the benevolent intellectual must take control and force the common man to build a better world for his children's children and they will have to do the same of course make education great so the common man does know what is best for his children's children and democratic republicanism can work) isn't good enough we need to fight poverty and ignorance crime at it's source we all need to work hard all day every day for generations that is what it takes we can't get everything right here right now simply by complaining and blaming others we need educate ourselves in politics, economics, technological logistics, and how they're all interconnected on the long run

I loved you saying how hot she was

I loved her reading the Jokerz minds and what they thought was awesome

Superheroes are cliquey superawesome line funny

Mentioning how animals think awesome and how she used that for the farm awesome

I'm confused is Aenoch another adopted son of Bruce or did he just train him for a while

Like the mob that was funny

Yeah Beast Boy hides his darker angst feelings under the goofy attitude also this is off topic but his wealth that he inherited from his parents dwarves Waynes I read Wayne is worth between 4 and 8 billion Luthor usually has twice to ten times as much and is a self made man ten times the man Bruce will ever be putting ethics aside

Nakamura like Hiro from Heroes

This is awesome please update soon