Reviews for The Gathering of Clouds
Guest chapter 1 . 2/13/2016
While the words are kind of says nothing. Bella is not all that complicated. She is a coward first, last and always. Afraid of ...everything really. unable to summon the simple human grace of living life on ts own terms. This was Bellas entire motivation for being with edward. She thought choosing him would allow her to escape her fears , of being abandoned. She refused to take the chances that just about all of us take everyday. Jake not imprinting on her was not the sure thing that she so desperately needed. It was never about loving edward but what only he could give. It is also why when most healthy women would never tolerate the way Eddie treated Bella, the lies and abuse and manipulation, his abandoning of her in the woods to die the fact he was a self righteous mass murderer..all of that mattered not a bit. She did not care who edward was (and who he was was NOT good)just what he could do...for her. Things like this that try and give bella a motivation beyond fear simply miss the mark no matter how flowery.
CrazyCountryGirl12 chapter 1 . 12/8/2014
I liked how poetic it was, but I just don't get the plot. I'm not quiet sure what your trying to write here. It was good so poetic, it's makes you think.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/23/2014
Sigh..why bother
Guest chapter 1 . 9/18/2014
Sorry - it was all very uh..flowery and full of pretty phrases that went nowhere and said nothing
ZenBall1878 chapter 1 . 5/8/2013
I loved the way the story flowed. But I just don't get the plot. Can you explain it?
LittleMissHeavenLeigh chapter 1 . 3/14/2009
i lke it...not my favorite of yours though! love you...not like that... just as a fan of your great writing!
w0rstdisaster chapter 1 . 3/11/2009
Hola, this is teanna_lynn from lj. ]

I don't like how this doesn't have any reviews, so I will be your first.

The seventh part is amazing and seriously makes my heart pang just a tad. But pretty much anything that you write is amazing and stirs up my emotions. You're great, truly, and this story is no exception.