Reviews for Becoming Connor Davids
Guest chapter 28 . 6/24
Chapter 28
Omg why did you delete the bj scene. It was a big step and i really wanted to read about it. So im a bit sad about that.
Love the story,but this chapter was just mean DX
Jerry K chapter 40 . 5/27/2018
0ne cannot understand chapter 39 without understanding chapter 38 and chapter 40. As I read this for the seventh time (yeah, I'm not OCD or anything like that, am I) I can't help wonder why EACH TIME I am so incredibly moved-and some would say I should not be reading this at all. The heck with them. Thank you, Race.
Devotedly, JK
Jerry K chapter 1 . 3/16/2018
OK, I know this story incredibly well-and every time I start, I am as enchanted as ever. I am grateful to anyone who can write a thousand-page story which never ceases to fulfil me.
Greysh chapter 53 . 1/13/2018
I loved this story! connor and john are a great couple. I love all the little details of their relationship. :) you made your OC's come to life.
This is a new favorite - I'm so glad I found this gem.
cathyfaires chapter 53 . 5/14/2017
Will be sequel for became Connor David's? I really hope so I love your story so much smiles!
Vadercat chapter 53 . 5/14/2017
I really ejoyed this story. I'm not normally a fan of slash stories mainly because most writers don't put much thought into them. They end up being crass with not much thought for the characters, but your story was about the characters as much as the subject matter. I think you write very well and would like to see you write more. Other then a few grammer issues, which maybe European verses United States English, most of your story read very well. I know Stargate and Stargate Atlantis have been over for a long timd (more the pity they didnt spend as much time on the latter subject matter), but I still enjoy reading fan fiction from both generes and the crossovers.
Vadercat chapter 42 . 5/13/2017
I have to comment on this chapter a true tea conniseur does not wring the tea bag, because it makes the tea bitter if you do. Otherwise I love the story.
MADStar529 chapter 24 . 4/22/2017
Oh, this just makes me smile.
Cotton Strings chapter 53 . 2/8/2017
Quite literally one of the most well written fics on this site. Connor's journey has been amazing to read, and I'm not going to lie, I cried during the arc where John lost his memory. I actually finished reading this on Wraithbate, but I wanted to come here to leave a review. Seriously, great job!
Jerry K chapter 41 . 6/17/2016
As I have mentioned elsewhere, I still think chapter 39 is probably the most significant chapter of this whole account. In a sense, everything else is before and after, if that makes sense. My brother died on Christmas Eve, 2012-and everything since has been "after". As Ziva David once remarked (NCIS) about the death of her sister Tali, "You don't get over it-you get through it." Any crisis that enlarges us is worth having, however painful-but it's never easy. Thank you, race: you go, guy.
MADStar529 chapter 53 . 3/18/2016
Beautiful story. So lovely.

You captured their relationship perfectly.
hotshow chapter 53 . 11/13/2015
I just discovered this story and thought it was very good. I was wondering was Connor Davids character in the show, or did you make the character up. Thank you.
NightWithMoon chapter 53 . 8/24/2015
Well... this was a short one! But I read it all. I admit I usually like a fiction with more development on the technological/galaxy spanning plot line - but I was snared by this one just as well.
I enjoyed reading this story a great deal and am glad I took the time to do so.
Jebeth chapter 53 . 8/22/2015
I really enjoyed your story. It was easy to care about your original characters. I had hoped that you would have Jack retire after Daniel went to Atlantis and show up as a civilian consultant.
mkoepp63026 chapter 53 . 4/27/2015
I absolutely loved this story. It was so real, from how long it took for the relationship to move forward to thw issues with faith. Very real., and really thank you for finishing it. Like you said there are so many stories that do not get finished and you finished it. Fantastic job, you should be proud.
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