Reviews for Colt & Winchester
Firefly chapter 9 . 10/18/2015
I don't think I can express how much I enjoyed reading this story. It is probably the best fanfiction I have ever read. The two stories linked perfectly. It is amazing to see how the pieces all fell into place in the end and how Jake and Ben have influenced the Winchester's life. The storyline was easy to follow and includes awesome headcanons. It is also beautifully written. All I can say is: great work! I wish this was an actual episode.
Soul of the Evenstar chapter 9 . 9/26/2010
A great story. I really enjoyed reading this, because the idea was original and your writing style is really smooth. Thanks for sharing.
Dragonflysoul chapter 3 . 5/3/2010
"Any way I can get it off of me quickly, without betraying my cool exterior?"


Enjoying this series. Thanks!
Marlowe97 chapter 9 . 2/13/2010
Oh, this was wonderful! Not only did you create a loveable pair of OCs, you also wove them into Sam's and Dean's life so seamlessly, so perfectly, that I'm stunned by your foresight. Also, considering the events that took place in the show right now, you managed to create an alternate reality that is so close to what happened - and still seems to happen - that it is a little creepy.

This fic is amazing in its complexity, and I have to admit that I wept a little for Jake and Ben, even though they lived to an old age (but bone cancer? Couldn't you have been a little less cruel? Damn...)

I laughed a little, imagining Bobby as a scrawny, hot-headed kid, or Rufus as a scholar with high hopes. Nicely done!

I fell into this 'verse just recently and I'm so looking forward to reading more.
Crimson Ivy chapter 9 . 1/12/2010
You did an excellent job writing that story. I can not express how much I enjoyed it! What can be better than Winchester duo? Second brother duo! ;D

Colt brothers were really great hunters and I read the parts with their adventures with the pleasure usually reserved for Winchesters!;) Colts final scenes (Jake by Ben's bedside, visits on the cemetery) made me cry... honestly, I don't remember the last time when I was crying during reading. It was so touching and sad... I started to love them. And I just have to ask (and I will totally understand if you refuse to answer...) - have you decided, just among you two, which brother died first? I tried to decide on my own and first I was sure it was Jake. But after a scene with Jake watching Ben sleeping... I am no longer so sure. ;)

I liked them being so similar to Dean and Sam but still – different. And I had an impression that the parts about Colts were written in a bit different language (but I am not sure since I am not a native speaker. I more feel it than actually SEE it ;)). These time travels with Colts were very interesting. History of their life is the one I would like to see for Winchesters too. Partners to the end... Brothers in arms, always together, always faithful...

I like the way you used the facts from Winchesters past, the way you created a new history of their family. Oh, young Bobby was awesome! ;) And Dean's scars, sometimes visible for Sam... Wonderful idea!

And poor Sam, so scared of being left by Dean! And Dean, as usual, awesome big brother... Aw... (sighs happily).

Great story, very original and interesting. Thank you! :)
sunnyjunedays chapter 5 . 11/5/2009
Hi, Another unable to put down until its read chapter.

Great visual on Dean coming out of the bathroom and finding Sam amidst the room full of shattered glass and discovering it was because Sam was practising his abilities which is just going to send Dean's worry for his brother up a notch.

I loved this from Dean:-

'I’m not giving up on you. We’ll figure this out. You have to know that. Don’t you, Sam?'

That sentence just says so much and is one of the reasons i fell in love with this show and the Winchesters in the first place.

Ben and Jake's hunt, scary or what. Ben remembering the lessons he'd learnt from his brother is so reminiscent of the way Dean taught Sam that it brought a lump to my throat.

Great chapter. I aim to read the next as soon as i can but i have to go to physio for my knee today but please know how much i love this story, i am in awe of your talents. x
sunnyjunedays chapter 4 . 11/5/2009
Hi, Yeah, it's me again.

The Winchester in this were just what i love about Sam and Dean, i swear i could read fics about them all day.

What's with Sam and all the broken glass? Can't wait to find out and Dean, Why are you hiding that injury on your leg, you should really know by now that it won't end good?

Stunning revelation that Mary made a deal to save her sister and paid with her life exactly ten years later.

The conversation between Sam and Dean about what scares them was great, with Dean its the ghosts; i with him on that one!

The reference Dean made about Sam driving the impala through the front of the house in the pilot, great, made me smile.

Another great chapter, thanks. x
sunnyjunedays chapter 3 . 11/5/2009
Hi, Another catch-up for me, can you guess i had a reading fest of your story last night, i think i'm about half-way through now.

Another great chapter, i didn't know whether to laugh or gag when Sammy threw up on Dean and Dean's reaction, so Dean.

The relationship of Jake and Ben is so so similar to that of Sam and Dean, the little brother, the big protective brother, just written so perfectly, it could easily have just become a story of two sets of brothers with different names living in two different times but you've kept Sam and Dean as Sam and Dean and Ben and Jake as Ben and Jake. I think a stand out in this chapter for illustrating the protective streak in both brothers was when Ben and Jake visited the sanitarium, i could just visualise Dean reacting the same way as Jake.

Love this story so much, in fact i think i'm addicted.

Thanks to you both. x
sunnyjunedays chapter 2 . 11/5/2009
Hi, I know this is late but i've been playing catch-up with your awesome story this week. I had knee surgery on Monday so have a forced rest period which means i can catch up on some reading.

Great chapter. I love that Sam and Dean were somehow drawn to the journal of Jake and Ben and love the way you interconnected the story of both sets of brothers. Actually interconnected is probably not a good word to use, maybe i should say that the way their lives have run a parrallel with each others would be better albeit with a huge time difference.

I'm finding the story of Jake and Ben as absorbing as that of Sam and Dean and really do lose myself in their fight, their discoveries of what is out there and find it an added bonus when we come back to the Winchesters, by the way, i love that you've left our boys not doing so good in the hurt sense of the word. Really enjoying this, thanks to you both. x
sunnyjunedays chapter 1 . 10/25/2009
Hi, Great start to this story. Poor Mary suffering the same fate as her namesake, only years earlier.

The introduction of Ben and Jake through the journal that Dean bought at the garden sale (loved that he likes garden sales) and further in Sam and Dean's dreams was perfect.

Really enjoying his so far.

Sorry it's taken me so long to find the time to read this but life's been a little crazy for a while now and is just starting to slow to a more normal pace leaving me to sit back a while and enjoy your story. x
mousefiction chapter 9 . 9/25/2009
That was wonderful and touching. Great job.
MBrixton chapter 9 . 8/22/2009
Thanks for this story. I can't say anything else... I'm still touched, deeply. You made me cry.

Thanks for yours wonderful job!

Ciao from Italy!


PS Forgive my English...
JazzyIrish chapter 9 . 7/26/2009
Great story, ladies. Loved how you wove the Colt and Winchester stories together. I was really invested in your OCs, Ben and Jake who were very well written and believable. I admit I shed a tear at the end of this tale for their loss. I liked the way their deaths were handled and I agree with Dean that it didn't matter which one died first, it was the end of both. :(

The back-story on Bobby was very well done too. He is such an interesting character in the series, a true surrogate father to the boys.

I really enjoyed the inventive way that Sam and Dean could become observers of the Colts' story - reliving the journal entries, entering into that space and time, as they read the journal aloud. Well done, ladies.

Thanks for sharing this story with us. Until next time...
Lilly B chapter 9 . 7/20/2009
great ending! this was a fantastic way to end a really great story! you did an awesome job with the whole story and I really enjoyed reading it!
PADavis chapter 9 . 7/20/2009
Enjoyed the ride. Thanks - looking forward to reading the new fic.

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