Reviews for Sold Into Ruin
Guest chapter 94 . 4/10
I don't understand- in the same chapter you've had the master say "Thranduil would never give me any of his wealth or kingdom, not even to save his own son" and "Oh, I think you'll give me anything I ask for, King Thranduil. For your son's life you would pay anything." So, which is it? How can the same character believe both to be true?
Guest chapter 91 . 4/9
Nenya? Vilya? Door smash?
Guest chapter 91 . 4/9
I'm sorry what? Thranduil couldn't see what Aragorn and Legolas had against Jadan? The same man who just a few chapters ago said, and I quote "I should have left you to die" to Legolas. Infront of Thranduil. What?
Guest chapter 87 . 4/3
Wait what? This is the Kirkwood guard were talking about right? These men wouldn't stand a chance, even badly outnumbered!
Guest chapter 84 . 4/3
I don't understand this whole Thranduil guard business. Surely if half the guards stayed with Thranduil and half went in he would be well enough protected? Also surely Elrond's people and the Galadrihim warriors could attack? And why do they only use the sleeping powder once? It seems like the perfect weapon!
Guest chapter 72 . 4/2
Ugggh I know Thranduil's under stress and everything, but he reaaaally should be treated his people better. History proves there's only so much people are willing to take from overly privileged, pampered, out of touch and ruthless monarchs before they've had enough...

I mean even if he didn't treat the majority great but treated the captain's and senior guards well, so those most in power after himself are devoted to him. But how can he expect their loyalty, how can he expect them to lag down their lives for him, when he treats them all like shit?!

Also why would the warriors leave the body of their friend just lying there? And not tell Thranduil someone had been killed?
Guest chapter 52 . 3/30
I am enjoying this story but this chapter was painful to read. I don't think you intentionally made Legolas that dislikable but the fact he was so cocky and overconfident and then got the crap beaten out of him makes him look like a moron! And as someone who's done karate for 8 years, when someone comes at you, you don't let them hit you, you cut in or you block and then counter attack! The fact Legolas is hit time after time just makes him seem like he doesn't know what he's doing- which I'm sure isn't your intention.
riptidedarkphoenix chapter 121 . 7/25/2018
AAAARRGGGG That ending though!
I really need to know if Kallon got his revenge... I hated that guy so much by the end of this fic. I don't think Legolas could bear any further trauma at this point though, so maybe I don't want to know what happened. Anyhow, as... strongly... as I felt about certain characters (*cough*Kallon*cough*) I read this entire story over the course of 24 hours and thoroughly enjoyed it!
Keep up the good work!
riptidedarkphoenix chapter 94 . 7/25/2018
Captain Cassan. Not sure who the heck he is, but he's my new favorite character.
riptidedarkphoenix chapter 73 . 7/25/2018
The tears haven't stopped. I've been leaking from my eyes for the last two chapters.
riptidedarkphoenix chapter 70 . 7/25/2018
I actually broke down and cried during this chapter.
deleteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee chapter 1 . 4/7/2018
I am so glad I came across this story! It is so descriptive and incredibly written. There is a really good plot, with great, well developed characters, and important themes. It was really engaging, and fun to read. It was a great length, long but it fit the story. I love the Legolas angst it is emotional and realistic. I like how you included his mother in the story and gave lots of descriptions of Legolas’s past and childhood. I love how Aragorn and Thranduil comforted Legolas! I liked the cliff hanger but would love it if you continued. Overall, it was an amazing story!
Guest chapter 111 . 6/24/2017
- I sent to soon by mistake-
because the story announces somethong but than ignores it. Oh, I almost forgot- I love the lenght of this story! By that, my rewiew is over. I am glad i came upon your story.
I would only like to say one more thing: a few months back I went to a meeting of my country's LARP association. I barelly found out abou LARP before it. I am 20 years old, and I have lived off LOTR&POTC&etc ff for the whole of my life. Anyway, when I got to the place and was searching for the entrance I came across an incarnation of an elf. A tall and slim guy, also going to this meeting had his pointy elven ears on, and had long greyish hair along with darb elegant clothing. I was compleately dumb struck for the whole meeting and couldn't stop laughing. An elf. A REAL LOOKING ELF! It still makes me lol. :D

Have a nice day,
Guest chapter 111 . 6/24/2017
Hello, i really like the going and feel of this story, so for that a really good you! I like the quality language of the story (i am not a native speaker and i really appreciate your word 'treasury'/'knowing' - hehe, a proof of the first statement- for it really has quality) and the presentation of it. As an obssesive reader of Legolas fanfictions i can honestly say this has just the best character buildings and all!
Yet i have a, let's say complaint, for the lack of a better word: there are some inlogical contuniations through thevstory, such as: legolas shout be dead tired already after the escape, yet he/you found the strenght to continue for such a long time. Another one is when elrond states that they lost the horses and it woučd be a few days walk to mirkwood, but then they make their way in one day. His are not terible mistakes but they really leave you a bit dissapointed, because the story announces
AndurilofTolkien chapter 2 . 1/12/2017
like this
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