Reviews for Indecent Proposal
itachi.naruto47 chapter 5 . 2/25/2019
Hope to read more soon
North of the North chapter 5 . 12/22/2018
Would you please be able to change the formatting on the chapters? It is tabbing over weirdly midsentence and putting the rest on separate lines.
zamik chapter 5 . 11/18/2017
Are you still going to post it?
GhettoZorcress chapter 5 . 9/25/2017
more plz
Faery66 chapter 4 . 5/7/2017
Hope to read more soon...

Property.of.a.DeadGirl4-25 chapter 5 . 4/26/2017
i tried to post emojis, but ff won't allow it. I like this story, I hope Harry gets away and kills Voldemort, or at least gets some control over his thrall.
ruinedsandwich chapter 5 . 2/4/2017
VillainsAssemble chapter 5 . 2/3/2017
This is a well written storyline but the structure could be a little bit better. The story says it hasn't been updated since 2010.
Kiochii chapter 4 . 11/12/2016
this story is really interesting. I have never seen a yaoi written in such a way.
I cant wait for the next chapter even though its been six years lol.
Although personally I'm a harrymort fan more than a serverusxharry but hey whatever fits your story
8D lol
Its a twisted obsession I know XD again cant wait for the next chapter.
Although on reading your explinations I do have one question. SO if mating involves two WILLING participants would it work if the unwilling one were to be doused with love potion or would the body know that its a fake willingness?
LiveToTell chapter 5 . 4/18/2015
good story! i really can't wait to read the next chapter! you should post it already!
SeerFlight1011 chapter 5 . 4/11/2015
I can't wait to read the rest. I feel sorry for poor Harry. Captured by Voldie and locked in a cage. I hope he's either rescued soon or that he'll be released from the cage.
ElectraX12 chapter 5 . 4/21/2014
Well, this is my first review on this fic really. But not because of the AN. I simply found this fic today and read it all in one go. I have to say that it is a really well written fic. I especially love the way you have portrayed the characters although i have to say that i had been expecting at least one angry explosion from Harry seeing he has quite a temper in the books. It is your story though so I don't mind too much if the characters deviate a little from canon. I also have to add that I was quite surprised by the imprisonment of Harry in an Aviary. Quite fitting if I may say so myself. I can't wait to see more interactions between Tom and Harry (and not only concerning sexual matters obviously). Also I hope Snape is ok. Anyway keep up the good work and update as soon as you can ;)
Nici Barru chapter 5 . 1/29/2014
This is fruatrading. Great stories but all of them incomplere. Loved it anyways 3
Itsupiki Okami chapter 5 . 11/22/2013
Iwould like to see voldemort looking less snake like and more human but you're the writer so you do whatever you are most comfortable with. I really like the story so far anyways :)
Dontforgettologout.lessontime chapter 5 . 11/15/2013
Its been over three years now since you posted this so can you please post more chapters for this awesome story please! UNLESS YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE FUCKING STORY ABANDONING ASSHOLES WHO GET THEIR KICKS FROM THEIR READERS ANGER, FRUSTRATION, SORROW AND SOMETIMES EVEN A BIT OF DESPAIR WHEN THEY ABANDON THEIR FANTASTIC STORIES (the only good excuses for abandoning a good story like this is if you are dead or in a coma)!
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