Reviews for Still Human
PenumbraTheWolf chapter 25 . 12/10/2016
Omg I actually had that same gaming experience once... I was using Zoey and I pushed the elevator button. At the same time, a smoker at the end of the hallway grabbed Louis, pulling him out of the elevator the second before it closed completely! I couldn't do anything but to listen to the struggle and watch his yellow silhouette down below. It was funny though, everyone in the elevator was so calm until his health went down to zero and Zoey going, "No, no, no!"
DarkProtectress chapter 26 . 3/6/2016
The animals are quiet because of a Hurricane. The scream was a woman and her asshole boyfriend sneaking up on her. They survive the storm (beaten up a little as it is a hurricane) and have a healthy baby.
tetraforce theory chapter 26 . 11/11/2015
I read this all night and am regretting my lack of sleep. That ending, can't say I'm extremely happy with it, but it had an amazing build up and climax. Perhaps a 4 years later sequel? Anyway, our if all the LFD I've read, this is certainly my favorite.
Guest chapter 26 . 7/3/2014
They all live. The End.
Warbro chapter 3 . 11/16/2013
Very good so far...
bats13 chapter 26 . 9/25/2013
Amazing story! I'm sad that it's over, though. You did a really good job on it, and once I started reading, I just couldn't stop! Great work!
bats13 chapter 12 . 9/24/2013
omg the feels! They're finally together! When I was reading this chapter, I swear I had this weird smile on my face, because my boyfriend was like, "Oh god, not those romance stories again!" Ahh what can I say, I love romance! Anyways, it's like 2 am here, and I'm going to try to stay awake long enough to read the next chapter! :)
bats13 chapter 11 . 9/24/2013
Oooohh I loved this one! Francis and Zoey have hit a rough patch, but I'm sure it will all work out. Francis really is a hard headed son of a bitch! lol Jesus, Francis, can't you see that she's in love with you?! Anyway, I can't wait to read what's going to happen with these new humans they've encountered. My gut tells me they're not good!
bats13 chapter 3 . 9/24/2013
Hey, I really like this story so far! I played Left 4 Dead a long time ago, and I totally forgot about the storyline and the characters. Today I decided to check out the Left 4 Dead section on this site, and I found your story. I'm glad I did! You've got just the right pace going to keep readers interested, and it's not boring. I know some writers drag out things, and halfway through the chapter you realize that you've spaced out. I'm really looking forward to reading the rest!
Sonosublime chapter 17 . 4/18/2013
I wish you had let Zoey be the one to kill the Tank/Joey. But I love the badass way that Francis and Bill took it down. Major kudos to them. And the 'manly' competition they have going on is good for a laugh. However, I would have seen Bill as a gruff old bastard who wouldn't bother partaking in such nonsense :P

I love the change we are seeing in Zoey. It was very symbolic when she stopped Francis from pushing her behind him and shot the zombie. Personally I thought she handled things very well when she was held captive, and the fact that she has not let the ordeal scar her, but instead used it to become a stronger person, speaks volumes about her character.

I can't wait to see your take on the Witch.
Guest chapter 26 . 4/12/2013
That ending...

I don't know what to do with my life now. O.o
Sonosublime chapter 14 . 4/12/2013
...Holy crap on a cracker. This chapter was very well-written, but man was it horrifying to read. And to think this kind of thing happens quite regularly throughout the world. I'm as ashamed as Zoey of sharing the same species as these kinds of people.

Before I go off on a tangent as to how subhuman rapists are, let me just say you did a brilliant job capturing Zoey's thoughts throughout this horrible ordeal. And it was a fitting end for Joey and his pathetic band of assholes. I just wish you let Zoey stomp on their nuts a few times before letting Francis throw them to the wolves. Hopefully she isn't too traumatised by what happened to her.

A couple of things I noticed:
1. You sometimes break someone's dialogue and continue it on a new line. Not too sure if it's your word processor doing it or what.
2. Am I right in assuming that Zoey was held captive for about 8 hours? Where were Bill and the others during this time (especially since Francis stated that they were immediately able to get back in using a fire-escape)? Did they simply not know which floor Zoey was being held on?

Good job on your writing and I look forward to seeing how the Tank will shake things up next chapter. You really do need to give Zoey a break though. She's having all the crap heaped on her :P
Sonosublime chapter 8 . 4/11/2013
Very much enjoying the story so far. You capture Zoey's thoughts and emotions very well, particularly with a difficult scene of finding her family dead. I also like the animosity between Francis and Bill. Most fics have the survivors all hunky-dory, and it's refreshing to see a different group dynamic.

Now for the constructive criticism. I find Francis to be a little too nice to Zoey. He seems like the kind of guy who bangs every bird who comes his way, without a thought spared for their feelings. So why is he suddenly deciding to change his ways when he meets Zoey? He doesn't strike me as the 'love at first sight' kind of guy. I don't know, personally I'm not a fan of that pairing, but hey, it's your story.

Also, I got the feeling that Zoey and Bill had the closest relationship of the survivors (they were practically father/daughter). But at this moment in the story, most of the character development seems to be going toward Zoey/Francis, while Bill and Louis are just kind of... there.

Finally, the bonding in the storm cellar at the end felt a little forced and unnatural. But maybe that's because I always hated those 'let's go around the room and tell everyone something about yourselves' games at school XD

I know that this all probably sounds terrible, but I don't mean to give you the impression that the story is bad by any stretch. But you seem like you're open to constructive criticism, which is why I've provided it. Anyway, the story is great so far, and I look forward to reading more.
Harry-Flashman chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
I've come late to the party but please accept my bouquet for a crafting such a magnificent, full canvas novel.

I started by skim reading excerpts to get a sense of your story and to gauge its personal appeal mainly because the concept of shipping adorable Zoey with lug-nut Francis generally creeps me out: suffice to say however your treatment hooked me in and I'm now reading it closely and thoroughly enjoying the experience.

Well done and Thank You!
Guest chapter 26 . 11/3/2012
Omg that was the best story on this website. I'm lost for words on what to say 100/10
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