Reviews for Lullaby for a Stormy Night
redandready45 chapter 1 . 11/11/2014
There ought to be more stories like this. Hell, there should be an episode focusing on Ash and Delia's mother-son relationship, like a moment when he was child that proved he would be destined for greatness.
Detective Conan Agency chapter 1 . 1/6/2013
This is so sweet. One of the most genuine Pokemon fics i've ever read. Sooooo good. I loved it!
Hedgi chapter 1 . 11/3/2012
Awww, that was so sweet. I loved it, and I love that song. :)
Mewachu chapter 1 . 9/8/2012
Awww! So kawaii! 3 Little Ash is just adorable w
Guest chapter 1 . 7/23/2012
Mike chapter 1 . 7/9/2012
Not bad I liked ur story good job.
Le Masque Noir chapter 1 . 7/24/2010
OwWwWwWw Lil Sweet Ashy :D
Little Jackie Papercut chapter 1 . 12/18/2009
Um... just had to ask... did you actually expect people to mistake a K-rated story for incest...?
djfhldkjhglkajshflkjahslfkjhas chapter 1 . 10/20/2009
oh my goodness! This story is so cute! I loved the cute little fluff between Ash and Delia~

The Raiku, Suicune and Entei story really made me smile. It was written out beautifully; and I love your style! It's adorable!

Usually oneshots irk me, because they can never seem to end just right. Like they're missing something and the story seems incomplete-but not this story. This one tied up loose ends, with Gary, and Ash's dad, and Delia comforting her son! It was adorable and I really loved reading it!

-ps409 (aka ally) x.
Aiselne Phoenix Nocturnus chapter 1 . 10/10/2009
First of all, I can't begin to *thank you enough* for writing a rare Pokemon fanfic that centers around Ash and Delia's mother-son relationship! Heavens knows the fandom needs more stories like this one. Your one-shot perfectly mirrored all the best aspects of Ash and Delia in the sweetest, most heartfelt of ways. To put it simply: I adored this story!

Character portrayals were flawless! Sweet, six-year-old Ash getting scared during a thunderstorm, and Delia comforts cute! I can totally picture a situation like this happening in Ash's past. The Gary allusions were smart, too. Even at age six, Ash doesn't like to appear weak and give Gary the satisfaction of dubbing him a "whimp." Typical proud/sensitive Ash, typical crude/arrogant Gary, and typical maternal Delia for restoring Ash's confidence.

The mature subleties were excellently incorporated, too, particularly Delia's recollection of "the last time she saw her husband" and "Gary’s been through some rough things with his parents lately." The implications let readers draw their own conclusions, while also implying the difficult issues Delia and Ash underwent during this period of their lives. Keeping these details suble also kept the story's innocence intact, without it spiraling into too much angst/tragedy/drama/etc and straying from the focal points of Delia and Ash. Without a plethora of heart-wrenching details, we readers can understand Delia's struggles whilst raising Ash by herself. I more than easily felt for both Delia and Ash throughout this bittersweet little story.

And I just totally squealed after this line: “... But if there isn’t any flowers, then I can’t go pick them for you…” - "Cute" doesn't even begin to describe how adorable Ash was in that moment! *.* Sweet little Ash, you are PRECIOUS (*hugs*)! If I were Delia, I would have melted like ice cream on a summer day! Aaw!

The Raikou/Suicune/Entei fairytale was also clever and added to this fic's adorable-ness. Aside that I love folklore, the ideas were totally appropriate for this Pokemon story. Plus, it was a sweet little allusion to Ash's dad, having told the story to Ash in the past (again, I LOVE subleties like this!). It kinda' hinted to me as Ash's smallest way of holding onto his dad's memory.

BTW, I commend your story on being a songfic that is totally appropriate and takes full advantage of the lyrics (more songfics need to be written like yours!). The verses were perfectly incorporated, evenly-spaced between paragraphs, and helped the story flow beautifully. Plus, the lyrics excellently alluded to Delia's unspoken thoughts. The entire fanfic was very well-written, too: vivid imagery, heartfelt emotion...simply superb writing!

Well, I'm sure you've realized that I was tickled pink to read your story. Seriously, thank you for writing and sharing this rare one-shot. It was adorable and more than perfectly examplified the sweetness that is Ash and Delia Ketchum!
Invisible-chan chapter 1 . 4/14/2009
WAH! Adorable little Ash! I love the when people use Pokemon folklore. Argh! Now I want to see other trainers' points of view.
rawstberry chapter 1 . 3/7/2009
Pretty song and a very well-written fic. (: Great job.
Axletia Rosonetis chapter 1 . 3/7/2009
-sniffle- Aw, that's so sweet. X3
Milotic chapter 1 . 3/7/2009
Very nice! There were some grammatical errors, but I thought it was quite sweet. I love stories that explore the relationship between Delia and Ash. :)