Reviews for The Lesser of Two Evils
Jadeeeee chapter 3 . 4/21/2019
Gah I wish this was finished cri
Guest chapter 3 . 2/10/2019
Awe man! Please finish! This is a beautiful story.
ValidescopeWest chapter 3 . 1/4/2019
Darn. I really wish there was more to this. So good.
Girken chapter 1 . 3/30/2015
Great story. I know an update is unlikely, but still hoping for one!
Macala A chapter 3 . 12/31/2011

I wanted to let you know that I liked both The Choice of a Lifetime and this Lesser of Two Evils a lot so far. I like how Hyde and Jackie are soul mates and that they are choosing to be with eachother before they were even born it is a cool idea. Please, please, please update this story again and soon. Keep up the great work and have a lovely day.


Macala A.
MistyMountainHop chapter 3 . 3/3/2011
And to have a decent relationship with his mother. Leon told him once that he'd never known his mother. Said it had sucked. Vetri figured he didn't want that. But there was something about the good that was disappointing.

Of course, he didn't know what.

Aww... maybe the choice really is between his mother and Jackie (if so, stroke of genius).

But his father wasn't alone, and Bud Hyde looked at the woman next to him, a cheap-looking blonde

No wonder the Hyde in this reality doesn't go for blondes.

"Hey. Tell you what. There's a store down the block. Here's some money. Go get yourself some junk food and I'll let ya watch whatever you want on t.v." Bud chuckled and glanced at the woman. "All he really likes to do, anyway."

That's horrible. ( Hyde wanted to go to the Cubs game, and Bud broke his promise (and Hyde's trust). But it's a good example of "the bad" in this choice.

And on his way out, no one stopped him. He grinned all the way home. That was pretty cool.

Ten-years-old and he's comitted his first theft - and of all things to steal: beer. Bud, Bud, Bud... tsk.

"Come and get him, Edna. You're his mother. I can't deal with this."

Vetri shook his head. "Can I kick that guy's ass?"

Me, too? *lol*

"She loves him very much, Vetri."

But as a mother, Vetri thought. And for some reason, he thought of Jackie.

AWW! And I can't help but think of UBS Love... and his relationship to her.

For a second, he couldn't seem to breathe.

I love Vetri's reaction to seeing Hyde with the blonde and Jackie sitting on the couch...

Vetri shook his head, looking at the wife, then at Jackie, then at the wife again. "Depends on how you define pretty." He glared at Paul. "And being that I still disagree with you on 'good'...And wait, I thought Hyde doesn't like blondes."

*hugs this story* I love how you write Vetri/Hyde. I really do.

"Did she kick your ass? 'Cause my money's on her kicking your ass, and I need that five dollars."

LOL So Kelso.

Jackie turned a hostile look to the newcomer. "You're good with fathers beause you sleep with them, you whore!"

Bingo (or close to it).

Neither Sam nor Kelso noticed. Kelso also didn't understand the implications of Hyde's taunt.

"Burn!" Kelso yelled

LOL He just burned himself.

Even as he spoke, he felt odd, off, wrong. And it bothered him. Pissed him off, actually. He turned from the window again. "I mean, she doesn't love him, right? She picked the king of the idiots over him."

*love* *love* *love* His feelings don't match his rationalization.

"She doesn't love him, okay?" He must have been yelling, because Paul looked startled.

Ooh, he's really upset/angry... Guh. He loves his UBS Love/Jackie.

Vetri gave a falsely nonchalant shrug and wished his gut or whatever would stop hurting. "Whatever."

*love* (I can't freakin' help it *lol*).

All the while, he thought of what his mother had told him. Tell her you want her, Steven. Tell her you don't want her to marry that idiot. Tell her you love her.

Aww, Edna's really supporting him.

she stepped backwards, bumping into the full length mirror behind her.

Great detail.

"Vetri, watch Hyde."

I love that Paul tells him to do that.

And Vetri wondered if Hyde felt the way he did. Completely beaten. Completely empty. Just...there, but a shell. A nothingness with a defined outline.

AWW! ( So sad.

Paul persisted. "What do you feel, V?"

The use of his preferred name didn't do anything for him, and Vetri smiled sarcastically, he figured. "I don't feel anything, Paul."

And it wasn't a lie.

I sense something about Vetri/Hyde's lesson here.


Next to him, Donna sat, her face also pale, her features twisted into panic. She clutched the sheet to her chest. Her shoulders were bare and trembled. "Oh god," she said. "Oh. My. God."

Oops! Didn't expect that! *eek* LOL

Donna sighed. "He mentioned the fact that I once said making out with you would be like making out with my father, right down to the hair," she said.


He was right. I do sometimes act like he's lucky to be with me. Like he'd never do any better.

Thank you, Donna, for finally realizing that. P

"Why in the hell would I say anything? You think I want Forman or Jackie..." He cut himself off and tried to cover with a loud, pitiful moan.


Vetri blinked. "He feels like he cheated on Jackie," he said. Oddly enough, so did Vetri.

AWWWWW! *loves this story so much* I mean, er... that's awesome. Vetri/Hyde loves Jackie so freakin' deeply.

Donna raised an eyebrow. "I know," she answered. Her lips curved upwards. "Because you kept calling me Jackie."

Dude... and Donna kept going? She really was pissed at Eric.

Paul answered quietly. "Track marks. From drugs. Heroin, to be precise."

Oy... not good.

Vetri lifted and shook his head. "Look, man," he said, turning to face Paul. "You don't need to show me any more of this choice. I'm not gonna pick it. His life sucks."

I like how Vetri knows (or believes) right away that he won't pick this choice.

Maybe he just request to be rethought, or aborted, or whatever God did with souls given the choice between lives not worth living.

ACK! I can't believe you left it there! *lol*

And I have no idea why you thought this story was "failing". This chapter (as all of them are) is so well written and interesting and full of emotion. Your writing draws us in and makes us want to know more. I know it's highly unlikely this story will ever be finished (it's been so long), but if you ever do continue it, you've got at least one reader who will review each chapter with gusto - and do a little happy dance (seriously).

But, again, thank you so much for sharing what you did of this story. It's truly a lovely, original look at Hyde (and Jackie).
MistyMountainHop chapter 2 . 3/2/2011
He rolls his eyes. "I'm trying to stave off a few of your interruptions." He looks away. "Not that it will do me much good."

Paul knows Vetri/Hyde pretty well already. *lol*

Besides, he told me I'm choosing between two women. I figure I'll just see who's hotter and go with that one.

LOL Oh, Hyde...

Steven Hyde shrugged. "She's on the team to make up for you, Forman."

LOL again

and eyes he could never figure out

I like this detail

For a long moment, Edna didn't answer. Her eyes filled with tears, and she reached for her son's hand. She held it. "I don't know, Steven, but I think we might be," she answered finally, her voice shaking. "Honey, it has nothing to do with you. We both love you so much." She chocked back a sob. "I love you so much, Steven."

Aww, that's so much better than the childhood (and Edna) Hyde got, even though his parents are still splitting.

Gently, she slid his feet off her lap and stood up. She looked down at her son and wished he wasn't so big now. Wished she could pick him up in her arms and carry him to his bed.

That is such a sweet sentiment.

"You said I have to pick between two women." And then he realized. "Oh, wait. So one of the women I have to pick between is my mother?"

Paul smiled but didn't say anything.

Vetri frowned. His plan of choosing the hottest woman was kind of shot to hell.


"Vetri, please. Your language is just atrocious."

Vetri couldn't help but chuckle. "I keep telling you, man, don't read my mind and you won't have to deal with it."

I'm with Vetri/Hyde on that one. D

Vetri stared at her. She was beautiful. He was suddenly having a hard time breathing and felt...tingly all over. He heard Paul chuckle and grimaced, but didn't take his eyes of the gorgeous girl. "Shut up," he muttered.

LOL, aww...

Hyde chuckled and ran his hand down her back. Up and down, slowly and tenderly. "Jackie, it was awesome," he said. He shrugged his shoulder and she popped up, her cheeks flushed and eyes darting. "You were fantastic." He reached up and kissed her. "Amazing."

She smiled, one of those smiles that light up the room, the sky, everything. "It felt so good, Steven," she whispered. She rolled so she was comletely on top of him, and now her expression turned seductive. She lowered her lips to his. "Wanna make me feel good again?"

Hyde smirked. "Anything for you, doll." They started to kiss.

I really like this scene, the tenderness and the sensuality of it.

But if she kills us, I'm blaming you, Steven. You and your dirty urges."


Edna sighed and took a few steps towards him. "I suppose I'd rather know where you are and who you're with than not." She'd often had nightmares about him doing strange things with even stranger girls in yet stranger places. She liked Jackie, and he was home. That was something, at least.

That's so true to how quite a few mothers think.

"Yeah." He glanced at his mother. "She loved dinner."

Definitely a difference between this Edna and Gross Edna. D

"I saw the way you looked at her at dinner, Steven. Its no fling."

Aww! She's perceptive (and cares about her son so much).

"Don't worry. I'll think of something macho you can do around here to pay me back."

LOL This Edna is so likable - and still sounds like the Edna we got... though unselfish and far, far nicer. You've captured her voice while changing her personality. That takes skill.

Hyde is in New York, and he's a roadie with a rock band called Aerosmith.

Ooh, interesting. D

Vetri looked down. "So, what? He stole her from Hyde?" He felt odd, like something was gone. Like something had broken.

Aww... ( He does love her (even though he doesn't realize it yet).

Vetri scuffed his foot thing along the fog. "Figures."

So cynnical... sounds right. D

He closed his eyes. The girl...he couldn't remember her name...was doing things to him that no girl should ever STOP doing to him.

LOL And so awkward he's talking to his mom during this.

this one also dark haired although her skin wasn't as tanned as the last

Jackie stand-ins.

He smirked. "You do, huh?" He rubbed her ass. "You into corrupting a momma's boy?"


So what if he didn't feel that weird feeling he had when he'd seen Jackie. So what if he still felt that missing something feeling. So what? He had a cool mom, and ended up having a cool job that wasn't so much a job as an endless party. That had to be a hell of a lot better than whatever being with Jackie would have been.

This is so interesting. And, of course, Vetri/Hyde is rationalizing.

*le sigh* Only one chapter left. (I'm so glad you've written other T7S/Jackie-and-Hyde fan fic for me to check out). D
MistyMountainHop chapter 1 . 3/2/2011
Ah, so there *is* a sequel! So excited to read this, even though it's only a few chapters. But I appreciate you wrote even this much and shared it.

Don't know if its true or not. Just 'cause the guy's in charge doesn't mean he knows everything.

LOL That sounds like Hyde.

Leon agrees. Says you can't trust the man on earth, so I guess you probably can't trust the man up here, either.

"Leon," eh? Wonder who that is...

The other UBS' around me are all chattering away, especially Love, about how cool its gonna be to be born.

Aww! Jackie/Love's character is so clear just from this sentence.

I'd rather just stay here. Earth really doesn't sound all that amazing to me. A bunch of people with a bunch of problems that never get solved. From what I've seen of it – and I have, I've got connections, man – earth looks like a close cousin to hell.

You capture Hyde's voice really well.

Sometimes I wish God or the man or whoever would second thought me.

*Really* well.

I know she's gonna be a chick. She's pink. She's gonna be hot, too. Her pink is deeper than the other to-be chicks, and that means hot.

LOL Awesome. I love learning these new details from Vetri/Hyde's point of view.

I've got a guide connection, a dude named Leon. He's a new guide guy, and a little weird; always going on about film whatever the hell that is. But he's cool, and he sneaks me out of line to show me stuff.

This is awesome. Just as Leo was kind of Hyde's guide on Earth. Well, one of them.

She calls me Vetri. She's the only one who does, really. She's the only one I let, and for the love of God or whoever, I don't know why I let her.

Just like Hyde lets Jackie call him Steven. *love*

[Leon] also showed me some earth magazines with pictures of nude women. Nice. Very nice.


Love's looking around again, the top of her pink outline rising and rolling, not paying any attention to the line moving in front of her.

That is such a neat way of describing the UBS (and what Jackie/Love's currently doing).

Black is cool. Leon told me about getting high on earth, how you want to laugh all the time, and I kind of feel that way now. My head is all light and I guess I'm dizzy because the black seems to be rotating. Its cool.

Man, Leon's really influenced Vetri/Hyde, hasn't he?

Damn, I hope Love is okay. She can be a little clingy. Once, I snuck off while she was sleeping and when I came back she was all panicked. I had to trick her into believing that she'd been sleeping until the second I got back and she'd just woken up. Think she believed me.

Aww! He cares (or even loves) her. *love*

"You shouldn't swear, UBS Vetri," he says.

"You shouldn't read my mind, man," I answer.

Awesome exchange.

If I was in human form, I'd be smirking. "I'm cool that way."


I lift what will eventually become my shoulders in what I guess is a shrug. "I guess. If I must."

I love how you give UBS Vetri Hyde's expressions.

"You must. Your name is to be Steven J. Hyde."

I frown. "J? Doesn't it stand for anything?"

Paul smiles. "No, actually. Just J."

LOLOL Like on The Simpsons. "Homer J.(Jay) Simpson".

Except Love. Her pink was kind of cool.

I love that he keeps thinking about her.

I get the feeling he says that to every UBS he guides, so I just cross my arm things.

LOL "Arm things".

"Have you met Leon, by any chance?"

I grin.


He rolls his eyes and starts muttering some crap about talking to God about the new guy. Poor Leon. Crap, I probably got him in trouble. But hell, if God is really all-forgiving like he's supposed to be, Leon'll get off easy.

Aww... I hope Leon does get off easy. *lol*

I look down. His hand is moving, up and down, up and down. Something inside me is pounding.

Its weird.

"That's a heart, Vetri."

Huh. A heart.

Guh. I love this whole thing, the description, the signficance, etc. *love*

"Your first choice, Steven J. Hyde, is in Naperville, Illinois..."

Eep! Can't wait to see it.

I adore this story (and its sister-story) so much. I'll relish every word. *lol*
zugless chapter 3 . 2/12/2011
I was so excited when I saw this in your profile after rereading Choice!

I like the style that you've chosen for writing Hyde's options. Though this first choice looks like it's really sucking for him, poor Hyde, I almost don't want to see the Ugly.

Hope that you choose to update this again :)
wprincessannw chapter 3 . 10/8/2010
so sad - I hope you finish this story up. I'm interested to see how you wrap it up.
ThoroughlyModernEnough chapter 3 . 1/9/2010
I am so happy you're writing this because after I first read Choice of a Lifetime, all I could think about is how I was interested in Hyde's side. Please update soon, this story has me hooked!
deletedthisaccount-theend chapter 3 . 7/27/2009
I'm soo happy that you've written a sequel! This is fantastic, and I really like that it's darker than the first one, though you did make me wince when I found out Hyde was a heroin addict...I can't imagine what the ugly is going to be, if that's just the bad.

I really love the little crossovers with the first story, especially the scene at Jackie and Kelso's wedding, which was heartbreaking, but amazing at the same time.

I'll be waiting to see that happy e-mail from saying this has a new chapter. Please update soon! Awesome job :)
that70sLuver chapter 3 . 7/11/2009
I love the story so far, and I know that you haven't updated in a while, but I was still hoping that you could continue this story one day.
Amanda chapter 1 . 6/4/2009
Agree please please update! I love this story!
zpplnchick chapter 3 . 5/11/2009
Please please please update!

I love this story.
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