Reviews for Strawberries in Blood
RAAAWWWEEE chapter 1 . 6/5/2010
Nice, and I love the language and the ending is perfect.
Lord Youko chapter 1 . 2/20/2010
Great! Update soon! I love Aidou/Kname but there are just so few of those...can you recommend any M rated Kaname/Aidou on this site or anywhere else?
spaz-san chapter 1 . 1/3/2010
This is probably my favorite of your storries. I don't realy know what to even say about it other than it is AMAZING! and I love this paring. I realy do hope you do some more with them!
ahin chapter 1 . 11/27/2009
Aido is my favorite character from VK and I love how you describe him :D

I really liked it
01LoVsTaR10 chapter 1 . 7/31/2009
I love this story...A lot. Update soon please!
pineapplecat chapter 1 . 7/4/2009
this is so cute, I love it! Nice job, it will be nice to see the next updates!
Eyes17k chapter 1 . 7/1/2009
So cute! Aido and strawberries!

But I wanted to know how it ended with the chocolate-pocky statue!

Kaname is such a tease even involuntary XD
IlonaPixie chapter 1 . 4/12/2009
Wooaw...I love it..

.and Aido is so cuteXD god I love aido and his hyperness

And kaname...waww I love the way you always create kaname! how I wish vampire knight was just like your fics...

I love your fics...and I'm a big fan of you1

I hope you will update soon thank you very much
Guest chapter 1 . 3/25/2009
YAy! i loved it. please update soon.
Clue-Sama chapter 1 . 3/13/2009
Hey, this is great! I'm not even a fan of Kaname and Aidou as a couple, but this was so well-written and pretty, I didn't even care! :D I really liked how you wrote as Kaname- you totally had his dialect canon, I think. Aidou, too, but the very word choice for Kaname was beautiful and elegant. Just like the pureblood himself. *starry-eyed* Anyway, (I don't have internet at home and I didn't write your penname down, so don't take this the wrong way- I don't remember if I've read anything else by you- 'cept for Night and Fire) I wanna read something like this with KanamexZero! *may or may not have already read them as she goes to look for one by you...*

But if you haven't done KxZ, you should! :D I bet it'd be great.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention- I loved the line:

“Next time, Kaname-sama, I will bring you strawberries dipped in blood"

I don't know why~ It was just awesome XD
YenGirl chapter 1 . 3/11/2009
Simply exquisite! You make me very glad I understand English even if my vocab can never quite compare to yours :D

You are one of the few authors here who can persuade me that there is more to mere adulation and indulgence between the young pureblood prince and the impulsive blond noble.

I love Kaname's thoughts of Aido's and his blood compared to Kain, Ichijo and Ruka.

The ending was wonderfully bittersweet for both of them and I can only admire Kaname's control and Aido's acceptance.

Aido's inspiration at the end was also very sweet.
