Reviews for Sleep
la-hija-de-Dios chapter 1 . 5/5
That was adorable! :3
Guest chapter 1 . 3/25/2015
RakshaDaemon chapter 1 . 4/18/2014
I love these Irko stories and I can never seem to get enough. It was deliciously fluffy!
Wolvenfire86 chapter 1 . 9/4/2009
I can't believe I haven't read on of your stories yet! I just got through this one.

First, post dramatic stress disorder is not what I think of when I think of Iroh, but I guess a man like him would be strongly bothered by death and war. So that was spot on.

Itty Bitty Zukow as cute. I imagined him in my mind's eye. And teen Zuko is not too different from a meek whinny baby. :P

I liked this. It was short, so it didn't overstay it's welcome like my stories do, XD, it had a certain ring to it as well.

JJJ chapter 1 . 5/24/2009
That was adorable! I loved it!
CrazySpark chapter 1 . 3/29/2009
That was... *incredibly* adorable.

It also made me tear up. I can always tell writing is good if it makes me feel kind of what the characters feel. So, congrats on a job well done.
Lady Aryun chapter 1 . 3/13/2009
I find it sad no one's really reviewed this! It's so darling and sweet, and as I was once told Irko fluff writes itself! It's beautifully done and very heartfelt. I love the fact that you talked about the ramifications of what happened, and how out of sorts Iroh is. I think you're writting is pretty sound, and actually, really sweet. Thank you for the Irko fluff! ~ Cat