Reviews for The Big Sleep
CBlovee chapter 1 . 2/5/2014
This is honestly so good, I know you haven't been on in a while but I beg you to finish this!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/6/2012
great story
harpotter chapter 1 . 12/1/2010
Wow, this was great! So many plot twists and I'm in love with your characterization.
dollfacebarbie chapter 1 . 9/28/2010
Wow, this was absolutely amazing. I really liked the way you included most of the plots from GG(ex. C/B love-hate relationship, S/D history, Georgina craziness). How did this get only 8 reviews?

Seriously, you need to become a GG writer and direct a film-noir joke.

miss-Tami-bass chapter 1 . 8/11/2010
Wow, this was amazing :) I loved all the plot twists and how, at the end, it turned out Blair had actually hired Georgina(plus, I loved her line at the end: "Sorry, boss. I always do the work I'm paid for." Georgina shrugged, pulling the trigger.).

The C/B parts made me so sad :( Great story, I could totally see Dan dreaming all of this!


samuraigurl1213 chapter 1 . 6/23/2009
Interesting, though the ending was very depressing. You were sure right about all the twists and turns.
Princess Persephone chapter 1 . 3/15/2009
“Daniel Humphrey. What rock did you crawl out from under?” She said

LMAO! omg, I love how even in the film noir setting (which works GREAT, btw) the way they loathe each other still shines true. :)

And Chuck broke, kissing her back hungrily, letting her use him again.

God, Blair makes a really good femme fatale. :) But of course she would.

She put two cigarettes in between her red lips, lighting them both. Dan watched her mouth, mesmerized for a moment. Georgina inhaled, passing one to him.

:) and so does Georgina. haha. I can totally picture her doing this. And Dan being fascinated. haha

“I hope I’m wrong. Chuck Bass isn’t as bad as everyone says. I think he was just as much of a lovesick idiot as the rest of us.

*sigh* wow, Georgie. you do have a heart. (LOL!)

“What am I to you?” Chuck’s voice sounded completely broken, expecting the worst.



“Say it.” She put one blood-soaked hand on his face, forcing him to look at her.

“What’s the point?”

“Please. Just once.” Blair sobbed.

“I love you. I always have.” Chuck choked out.

Blair collapsed against him, tired of fighting it, her head on his chest, “I love you too.”

*SOBS* OMG! NO! Chuck! Blair! But so film noir! Chuck, you poor anti-hero, you! God, this is so perfect. It totally fits them (sadly enough). I actually loved it, even though it was so depressing. :)

PS can't wait for the next installment of Because She's Cordelia Bass. :)

Her voice was so quiet Dan and Serena could barely hear it, and would argue for years after about if she had actually said it at all.

If she did say it, Chuck never heard the words. He was already gone.
finnlover chapter 1 . 3/14/2009
really interesting story.
princetongirl chapter 1 . 3/14/2009
loved it update soon
Myra Dork chapter 1 . 3/13/2009
love it.. especially the cb parts
Bookworm.hrt chapter 1 . 3/13/2009
Oh MY GOODNESS! That was amazing! I loved it. that would be so awesome if there was an episode like this on the show. The C/B Angst was beautiful ( I literally had tears in my eyes!)Bravo! I am just speakless it was that awesome.
MareIridium chapter 1 . 3/12/2009
OMG! That was soo good. Like, really good. At first, I was, I'll give it a shot, since it focused on Dan (a bit biased, lol), but it totally worked. Dan as a PI is perfect, as well as Serena being his 'woman.' And C/B were so sad, as was Nate's murder.

I totally loved this, and I hope you did more one shots.