Reviews for The Workaholic
Patrica chapter 25 . 9/14/2012
I love this fanfic. It is one of the best I have every read I really want 2 finish reading it really bad so please update it as soon as possible.
Sugar-high Strawberry chapter 25 . 3/15/2012
Hee just read through the whole story and OMIGOSH I love this story so much words can't describe /fangirlsquee. I seriously love Zorn and Thorn, but if Kuja so much as lays a well-manicured finger on them, I will go straight to my copy of FFIX, level everyone up to 99 and kick his little tush 6 ways into the next millenium. That aside, you've done an excellent job at portraying everyone and drawing us into their story, I can actually hear their voices and see them doing everything, rather than just reading wooden writing. In closing, Vin, your face is hot 'cause you're in LUUUURVE *throws rose petals at Vincent and Cid*
visual kei girl chapter 25 . 9/27/2011
I really love your story! Please update it when you get the chance, it would be awesome if you could! Your story is better than just a fanfic it's like reading a book that continues on with the FFVII story! please update soon! _~
AusFagReporting chapter 25 . 1/27/2011
...I...Love..This...STORY!..I love it, I love cid, I love vincint, please, I hope you continue this, cause I adore it :) you've written it well, and its just...I'm sorry, but I love it :)

great job.
SOLDIER Reject chapter 12 . 12/22/2010
Wasn't that rant/song from Foamy?
Shadowsole chapter 25 . 8/3/2009
I Just Started looking into this pairing recently (It offiacly my first FF7 Pairing) and was woundering wheather you would update this at all,

This is a Great story and i would like to see it continued
NextNothingNew chapter 16 . 3/17/2008
ARG I DIDN'T WANT TO REVIEW hi there. Anyway, I just had to review, mostly because Zell's line "Hold on for a second, I've got to take a hit!" prompted me to do so. I'm not a major fan of FF. Never played the games, although I did watch Advent Children.

However, you have completely sucked me in on the thought of Cid/Vincent. It's probably how you write or draw or whatever, or maybe the way I love your characterization, but I love it. Anyway, the drug group. It. Is. AWESOME. Makes me laugh more than I ever thought a drug group could.

Point: I had a sort of picture of Kefka in my head, and he was sorta freaky. Then I saw a picture you made of him, and it totally destroyed any wariness I might have had of him.

"#$#, he's just with me 'cause he wanted t'come along, he ain't on no #$#." Because you two are IN LOV- *gets smacked in the face by Reno* Ow.

"I think I'm next." KEFKA, I YOU whoa, where did that come from? But something about him makes me just wanna hug him. 'He was holding the much shorter Zell at arms length above the ground by his jacket.' YES! I had that pictured in my mind, just before I read that sentence.

Ama~rant~! How could you say that? But the thought of Amarant and Vivi sitting next to each other while meditating is rather cute.
Hiita-hime chapter 25 . 3/5/2008
NO! You can't leave us hanging like this baby! D: Please update if you can, this is just an amazing story, and deserves to be finished.
LordBahamut'sgirl chapter 25 . 12/11/2007
I read your story and I am hoping for more. And more of Dragon Wing and Demon Claw too! Hope to read more! :)
Vaoni chapter 25 . 10/14/2007
This is just wonderful. I love it! I am so entranced by it. I especially love how you gave Cid ADD as when I'm reading, it does seem very logical!

Though I am surprised that their has been no crazy violent outburst by Vincent since even though Chaos doesn't exist in this, it's a huge part of his personality and it would be logical to include that other side of him.
farfromdaylight chapter 25 . 6/7/2007
To say that I love this story is an understatement like no other. This is, without a doubt, one of the very best stories I have ever read, and I assure you that is rare praise from me. I will do whatever I can to read more of this masterpiece - beta-ing, reviewing every chapter, what have you.

And this is from someone who makes it a POINT not to read FF school AU fics. Usually I think the author is disregarding the original work's charm by putting the characters in a school setting, but that's not the case with this fic. You have made numerable Final Fantasy characters work extraordinairly well together - I especially love insane!Kefka.

What I also love is the way you've mange to keep it FF-related, what with the inclusion of the "epics."

And I would've loved this even IF my OTP, Cid x Vincent, wasn't the focus. (That too is saying a lot, considering my RABID Valenwind fangirlism.)

I'm anxiously waiting for more. And if there is anything I can do, I would be delighted to do it.
VermilionValentine chapter 25 . 5/31/2007
*gasp* *sob* *cry* *sniffle* thats so cute! GIMME MORE! UPDATE! (please) you cant jus leave me hanging here! (r Cid and Vin for that matter) *evil grin*
Kristy chapter 25 . 12/13/2006
yes, need more, please?
anonymous chapter 25 . 10/23/2006
Please! For the love of God, I'm going insane here, I need to know what happens next. If you don't want to update the fic, then at least upload something that tells us what happens in the end. I want to know what happens with Zorn & Thorn...
PrinceHamlette chapter 25 . 10/21/2006
OMFG! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH *hugs* just the way its written is B-E-A-UTIFUL! *hearts hearts hearts hearts* can you update pwease?
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