Reviews for Love Languages
canibecandid chapter 6 . 11/15/2011
I love this so much! It's just so much like Jason to put his needs behind others and do something nice :)
From the End of Heaven chapter 6 . 12/23/2009
Kendra- I think the thing I love most about your work is that I feel totally comfortable reading it.

I know that it will be good quality- not just the writing or the plot, the actual content.

This was so truly adorable, and it warmed the cockles of my heart.
MusicMaven09 chapter 6 . 8/17/2009
What a novel and heartwarming concept! I loved it when I first learned about the love languages, and I love that you managed to find a way to turn that into a story. I also feel that it gave great insight into the characters. Great story overall! Keep up the good work!
special agent Ali chapter 6 . 8/15/2009
aw Jason is loved, I could see Nate at the end, he'd probably blush. I love how Nick plays Nate a lot like himself, he doesn't like hugs I guess.
special agent Ali chapter 1 . 8/15/2009
aw Jason is the best, he is so sweet
angellwings chapter 6 . 5/24/2009
I love this story! It's just so true about all of them! All those types really fit well with them! and I specifically love the last chapter! I was waiting for that big appreciative moment, and when I finally got to was so much more than I expected! I wish that picture Caitlyn took really existed, lol, it would be my desktop background!

Great work!
Scarlet Moon At Midnight chapter 1 . 5/24/2009
This is so cute!


I have so many favorite parts!

It's hard to choose.

His interaction with Shane is great.
my untold fairy-tale chapter 6 . 4/25/2009
I adore this fic. I was looking through LittleRedOne's favorites and found this. I'm so glad I did. Jason is my favorite character and sometimes it's really hard to find stories that portray him well. I think you did a great job with it. He was simple and loving, very much how I see him. Plus you paired him with caitlyn, which is my favorite Jason pairing, (not counting OCs). I think you matched up the styles of love perfectly. It was great to read all of the expanded experiences. I could see all of them happening. I would say that I had a favorite but I can't choose. It was all so sweet. Another thing, I really loved the last chapter. I'm a big fan of hugs, so I connected with that one. It was so cute, Shane and Nate pulling Jason into the hug. Amazing fic. :)
LittleRedOne chapter 6 . 4/13/2009
This kind of made me want to cry happy tears for Jason. Fluffy, lovey friendship goodness. Haha. This was really cute. Both that they noticed and missed the hugs and that they instigated their own group hug. Jason must be on cloud nine. :) This story was awesome. I really loved it.

LittleRedOne chapter 5 . 4/13/2009
I had to stop reading when I hit this part “Right! And he wanted to know why we moved Thanksgiving to October.” because I was laughing too hard. Oh Jason, he's so adorable. The end was cute. You really do make me love Jaitlyn. I don't think I'd like them half as much if I hadn't ever read you write them. Okay, one more chapter. :D

LittleRedOne chapter 4 . 4/13/2009
Wow. Jerk Shane. How fun. My jaw actually dropped when I read the part where he said “Cause you always like to make things way more complicated than they need to be. Plain water wouldn’t be fancy enough for you.” Smooth Shane. Nice job. I really like the comparision between Jason's smiling face and Mitchie's sad one. That was a nice way to get him to realize he should apologize. And yay! He's going to go talk to Mitchie alone, one on one. They both get something out of this. :) You wrote Shane's really well.

LittleRedOne chapter 3 . 4/13/2009
Same as last chapter, I love how it made Nate feel in a better mood for the day. I got a bit annoyed with Shane for handing the sheet off for Nate, but after reading the first chapter I couldn't help but think when he said Nate was better at that stuff then he was if he was trying to compliment him. I mean, if he was I'm not sure it worked too well, but still. Great chapter!

LittleRedOne chapter 2 . 4/13/2009
I love that you're writing each act from the other person's point of view. I love seeing the way it effects them internally. Now I think it was even mroe sweet of him to get up early to spend time with her since I know it turned her whole mood for the day around. :)

LittleRedOne chapter 1 . 4/13/2009
This first chapter was just adorable. It's really sweet of Jason to try to show that he cares in ways they'd understand and accept better. And I could absolutely see him trying to do these things too. I think m y favorite part, though small, is when Nate voluntarily gave him the one armed hug. He showed Nate he cared in a way Nate would understand and in return Nate showed his thanks in a way Jason would understand. It was such a small part, but it really stood out to me. And Caitlyn and tulips sound like just the combination I'd make. Tulips are over looked pretty often when it comes to bouquets so I think that just made it all the more special because they aren't typical flowers. Okay, I'm going to go on to the next chapter. :)

of self chapter 6 . 4/6/2009
I'm always up for fluff and Jason. They are an awesome combination. But seriously the iniation of the hug made me go all aww. It was touching and sweet. I cant totally undestand Jason getting misty eyed. I feel a little misty eyed myself. Great job and I'm sad to see this end. I hope you write more Jason soon. :)
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