Reviews for No Cake Please
8annie81 chapter 1 . 2/5/2014
This had a wider range of emotions than most birthday themed stories have. This one had its gray moments, but otherwise it was sweet. Deedee has her moments I guess.
Sora Tayuya chapter 1 . 6/15/2013
A very well done work. Set in lightning bird's AU? Very well done indeed. The characterization was well-stated and impressionable, and the plot moved smoothly.
PrayerGirl chapter 1 . 1/11/2012
This was really great!
Second daughter of Eve chapter 1 . 4/16/2009
It fits! And I love the fact, that Deedee and Dexter finally do something other an bug the crap out of each other like they did in cartoon...

millet crunch jr chapter 1 . 4/2/2009
A nice, neat little one-shot! It ties in well with 'Invisible Sun' while still maintaining a slightly different feel that sets it apart (in a good way) from Lightning Bird's writing. It's a shame Dexter feels like an outsider within his family, but at least he's got Dee Dee. She may be dense at times, but she sure loves her kid brother. You highlighted that fact very well with this.
xXBWFXx chapter 1 . 3/29/2009
Aneko Kitana chapter 1 . 3/26/2009

Although...One of Dexter's fav food is strawberries...Sorry if I just killed the mood...But this was excellently portrayed!
lightning bird chapter 1 . 3/26/2009
Yay! Is posted! I’m all kinds of thrilled to see this - the story is a great tie-in with ‘Invisible Sun,’ but it’s loads of fun on its own, too.

DeeDee is magnificent in this! From the very start, when she’s trying to make the day quiet and easy for Dexter, all the way to the end where her understanding allows him to retreat back into the world where he really belongs, the fact that DeeDee loves and adores her brother comes shining through.

Dexter has to be the only kid on the planet that treats syrup like it’s poison! That was a very cute scene where he tried it on his pancakes - the poor thing is trying so hard to be normal without really knowing where to start! It was great how you managed to keep a thread of discomfort running through the whole story - at no point does Dexter actually relax and enjoy his birthday. Everything just seemed to drive home the point that he’s as far from typical as you can get, and I felt antsy for him as I read. Thank goodness for DeeDee and the distraction with the butterfly bush - their miscommunication was a hoot, and I can just imagine Dexter’s expression when he learned they were actually naming, not classifying, the butterflies.

Oh, how I would love to see that goofy Kemistry Kit AFTER Computress gets done with it. At least he finally got something he can use (the boots) and something he asked for (sheet music). So sad that he didn’t get what he really wanted (not yet, anyway). It was very sweet at the end when DeeDee left him in peace and Dexter thanked her for the day. He may not express it as well or as easily as she does, but it’s plain that he loves her dearly.

Wonderful story. I do hope there’s lots more where this came from!
LuffyMarra chapter 1 . 3/26/2009
Not bad. I really liked it. I can just see Dexter trying to do that for his family. I loved the Dexter and DeeDee interaction, very nice.