Reviews for Alucard
Please come back chapter 13 . 9/18/2017
And finish breaking my heart
Mars chapter 13 . 11/29/2015
I'm shocked at how much integra x girl alucard appeals to me! Lesbian integra with a transgender alucard? Though I know it's not the case, thinking over it was fun.
I suppose they can't be happily ever after? A shame, I'll mourn them. I want to hear more from alucards perspective, what he/she's been upto since Mina. I hope you update'
ninjadaleburg chapter 13 . 8/27/2015
Wow, you should continue this one day. O_O
Zenithyl chapter 1 . 3/29/2013
Type your review for this chapter here...
Lolita chapter 13 . 3/16/2012
Where's the rest?

...I like it.
Hey chapter 13 . 8/10/2011
Hey you Please come back! 3
Marko chapter 13 . 7/11/2011
I really hope you update, I like the "innocent" interactions the "girls" have. I imagine Integra so naively in love with her best friend and not really knowing what is right or wrong, someone who just follows her young foolish heart. It's really bitter sweet. We see alucard being playful with her and we wish with all our might that its not just another scam, that he feels something for her unlike the many others... but then again... that would be too perfect... ahhhh...

I don't know how the next chapters will play out, but it seems that it will be very difficul because it's the turning point. I imagine that will be very hard to write because it's like the ... deal breaker? Either you make it and make it great... or it'll be a dissapointment.

I really wish you the best and I hope you can share with us a great love story (adventure!) :D
rndomfan chapter 13 . 6/28/2011
Now everything's been reavealed! It seems Integra will have to come to a decision soon! She seem's pretty smitten by Alucard... because... uh... I mean, all those times you mention kissing and that she kissed her and stuff, are they kissing on the lips? And if they are, doesn't Integra notice that she's making out with another girl? We may be liberal today, but in that time it was definitely wrong.
Aldedron chapter 1 . 1/15/2011
*snicker* I saw "Carmilla" the moment I read your summary! Dracula- Hellsing- so good! All so very good...

To continue reading~! This looks to be a very interesting story...
Master of the Boot chapter 13 . 12/30/2010
Are you saying that this is the end? Dammit, this ending is criminally good! You need to be put in jail for being such a good writer.

Damn it, you had the greatest plot twist that I've ever seen. In all fairness, you pulled the wool over my eyes with this ending.

And while it's sad this had to end, I feel very happy because it was such a wonderful, glorious ending.

You get brownie points for such a great description of Anderson. He's great in this one.

But my favorite part was where you describe the vampire's secritive nature. That's what I love most about them. They always appear as what you most desire, until it's too late. They look just like you and me and that's truly what's scary. And strangely enough the part of the charming prince reminded me of Twilight. Funny.

But honestly, I'm staggered by the quality of this. Your readers favor you ;)


Master of teh Boot
Breezybiatch chapter 13 . 12/22/2010
This is my favorite story in the world. It really is, I love the subtleness of the main characters (romance), I love how we usually see Integras understanding of the situation and because of it are confused along with her about alucard. To me its a mystery, its fun that way. I like how much detail you put into each character and what they say, how they say it.

I like that it feels like a different world (time) than that of today, not every one can pull that off.

I love everything it seems. So please please dont stop this story. I know theres still lots more to read.

Thank you for what you've writn so far.
QuicksilverWitch chapter 12 . 10/11/2010
This was masterfully done! I cannot wait to see where you take this in future chapters. The characterization was a wonderful blend between all three media representations of vampires, Alucard, Integra, and so on. Keep up the awesome work! :)
Breezybiatch chapter 12 . 10/8/2010
you are my drug! keep writing!
InsertGenericPenNameHere chapter 12 . 9/28/2010
Brilliance, sheer brilliance. I'm very curious as to how you plan to go on with this as I doubt the original ending to "Carmilla" would be suitable.

Tsuki no Rekuen chapter 12 . 8/1/2010
I jut realized Dalv is Vlad backwards... or have I noticed that before... idk anymore. XD

But it truly sucks since the poor General knows of our dear vampire, no pun intended. XD I can't wait for the next chapter!
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