Reviews for Surrogate Love
athome Jo chapter 8 . 12/21/2019
Lillywhite1 chapter 8 . 2/26/2017
Thanks for writing this wonderfull story! What a pity, that you didn't write more chapters.
EdwardLoverForever13 chapter 8 . 12/3/2016
I love this fanfic! And would love to read more and see how things end for these two lovebirds!
Mousie chapter 8 . 4/4/2016
Did you give up on this story? I hope not I was rather enjoying it . Please continue
Lee Ed chapter 8 . 3/2/2016
It's been 6 years and 1 month since you've updated! Really hope you'll post chapter 9 even though the chances of it happening is extremely small. But anyways, if you're reading this, I would like you to know that this is a plot that I've never read before and it has really intrigued me. I really hope Edward will gain the courage and confess his love to Bella and vice versa. I'm a sucker for HEA.
Ps. Oh gosh this is the longest review I've ever written.
ellencu chapter 8 . 2/9/2016
Interesting story; just wondering when the two additional chapters and epilogue will come?
Would love to know if they work it out or part company.
LolaTheSa chapter 7 . 5/20/2014
I quit really. I was thinking, 'hi maybe she didn't do as much with the other patients as she does with edward' THEN she calls herself tainted and we're back to the ugly truth...

REALLY, what i want to know is HOW she sucked & fucked a sex addict AND he's magically cured of sex. HOW did fuckingg her client MAKE them get over childhood abuse!

HELL, even with edward, only thing she is doing is courting & Easing her way into their heart & IT pays off big time for her patients.

What Bella really is... is a professional sophisticated slut. Say am wrong, sure but i see what you are really having her do.
LolaTheSa chapter 4 . 5/20/2014
Um, well i feel empty really... She's done this for countless other men, sure she may have feelings for Edward but doesn't change the fact this is nothing special until she is out of dr swan role officially.
LolaTheSa chapter 1 . 5/20/2014
I'd much rather edward be a sex addict then a complete virgin.
Dennis chapter 8 . 10/6/2013
Please finish this since I have read it is riviting
Dennis Graves chapter 1 . 1/14/2013
I have read it and can't wait for the rest. Please let them make a couple
CountryGirl89 chapter 8 . 10/30/2012
i know theres probably a reason you havent update in so long... but please please please update soon you cant just leave me hanging
jessica chapter 8 . 8/18/2012
Cute story. Love the lemons. But you never came through on your promise. Your update says 2.5 years ago. Whats that about? Anyway hope youll update soon.
Analitica chapter 8 . 6/28/2012
I hope they declare their loves for each other soon. I LOVE THE STORY! I CANNOT WAIT FOR MORE PLEASE UPDATE SOON. I WANT THEM TOGETHER!
goldseadragon chapter 8 . 5/15/2012
Ack! I'm so loving this story and it went and died on me! Please come back and finish! This is such a great story.
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