Reviews for Snap
ValerianeVillechaize chapter 1 . 3/15/2012
Totally late to the reviewing, but I could SO see Alan snapping and killing Judith. It's like I've said, Alan comes off as nerdy and sweet and innocent, but deep down he's hiding a more 'dark' side. :)
crimsonlilly chapter 1 . 2/18/2010

Ding Dong the Bicth is Dead


Love the last bit

No ones moving," He said cheerfully, still stroking the gun with the now-stained hankerchief. "Nope nope, no one at all."

Brillant :D
E. Nagrom chapter 1 . 11/29/2009
so so true and he should have done that how many season's ago? LOL

Invader Johnny chapter 1 . 11/12/2009
YES! My dream come true! well in FFN anyways, still... cool!

Invader Johnny Signing Off. chapter 1 . 11/6/2009
Wow! I wasn't expecting that at all, but it was very good. I never really liked Judith either, haha. I enjoyed it a lot!
Alyson1Weasley1Riddle chapter 1 . 9/28/2009


I love this! So crazy, so unreal!

But i Hate Judith and i think she needs to die!

Love it.

ObsessedwithBirds chapter 1 . 8/22/2009
lol! :P

Kira Krueger chapter 1 . 5/11/2009
Cool. Allen is psycho...
Mantinas chapter 1 . 4/27/2009
I like this...I like this a lot. D

This is going into my favorites.
starkmaddness chapter 1 . 4/25/2009

didn't imagine this when i clicked the fic

but very interesting! the way alan is in the show, i can't quite see him in this situation, but the way you wrote him here was entirely delicious! and dareisay i FUCKING LOVED THE ENDING LINE!

(btw hate her too :P )