Reviews for Word Problem
ddproxcm chapter 1 . 10/29/2009
So cute and clever.

No wonder Robin was impressed. She was able to complete a crossword puzzle in practically minutes using only Tamaranean words. That's a major feat. :)
Jessica chapter 1 . 5/26/2009
Aw! This was adorable!

And really well written.

Good Job :].
Somewhere In Time chapter 1 . 4/3/2009
And I enjoyed Beta-ing you.:)

It really was a good oneshot, with Robin trying hard to deny he likes Star being there - but not succeeding of course. Star just manages to bring the best out of Robin. Starfire was just right too - cheery, but not TOO cheery and stupid. Because Star isn't stupid...unlike what a lot of people thinks. She can talk about quantum mechanics and chemistry in everyday chitchat.

Now I'm just ranting.D:

The point: It was lovely, and if you ever write another RobStar fic, it'll be completely in character and just wonderful, I'm sure.
Tari Silmarwen chapter 1 . 4/2/2009
(giggle!) Aww... too cute! Nicely developed, very in-character. I loved how you wrote poor Robin all flustered and awkward like that. I think my favorite part was his mental blankout after she hugged him. Great ending line too!
titanfan45 chapter 1 . 4/2/2009
You did a good job with this pairing. I think you'll find most BB/Rae fans don't mind an occasional Rob/Star story so if you feel inspired to write a Rob/Star fic, let 'er rip. Back to this story, I think Robin reacted how most guys would react to a pretty young lady messing up a crossword puzzle; hey if she thinks she helped you and you get a big hug out of it, well aright then! It's been a great part of the day!
edward455 chapter 1 . 4/2/2009
do you want to explain