Reviews for Memorandum
Sdkdku chapter 1 . 9/14/2012
This is an outstanding effort! The show doesn't really explore the father-son relationship which is a shame because it had potential to add more depth into the storylines. I'm happy that you shared your interpretation of the relationship and did it in a way that depicted the emotions so beautifully.

What I liked most was that underneath the awkwardness, father and son genuinely love each other. Such as Victor being the proud dad when congratulating Martin at his graduation. Or where Victor shows his tender side when he thinks a toddler Martin is asleep.

I hope you'll continue writing because your works clearly showcase your talent.
Hokit chapter 1 . 8/26/2012
It's been a long time since I last read this story. I didn't offer a review back then because I wasn't experienced enough to offer words that I felt could sincerely communicate how this story affected me. After reading it again, I feel I have to express my gratitude for you having shared your work by offering my two-cents.

As a Without a Trace fan, I've rarely seen the relationship between Martin and Victor explored in depth. We know Victor is an intimidating man who commands authority and has high expectations, especially of Martin. Beyond the professional context, I've never seen anything that details the man himself - outside of the authoritative persona, what is he REALLY like as a family man?

I think you did a very good job at reconciling Victor the professional and Victor the father. I love that you maintained the themes emitted from the show - Martin's fear of his father - while combining them with a more sympathetic side. Human beings are complex creatures; they're never one-dimensional. And there's surely more to Victor as he too has a past that would've been influential.

Most of all, I loved the last section which gives us a glimpse of Victor as the father who loves his son. You described it without straying from the characterisation that fans are familiar with - showing Victor's capable of expressing affection, but in a way that's restrained and subtle, therefore believably Victor's.

The grieving part was well expressed. I suspect you intended to show that tucked somewhere in his sub-concious Martin maintains these tender moments from his childhood, knowing that despite the differences he loves his father and therefore grives from his passing.

Thank you for sharing your talent with us readers. I'm sorry to see that this well constructed work doesn't seem to have gotten the accolade it deserves. I can see that you have a knack for writing and I hope that this has resulted in getting you the future you want.
Sapphira Eleyne chapter 1 . 8/9/2009
What can I say? Great and touching. So sad, but I love it. Martin is so in pain and I'm glad Danny is there and wants to help. Really beautiful. Sorry I didn't wrote (argh negation and then in the past), but my work isn't waiting for me, unfortunately :)