Reviews for How Emily Davis Got Her Groove Back
amyh52 chapter 9 . 2/10/2014
Great wrap up. Jarrod is a dick
silver tears and wasted fears chapter 8 . 5/13/2012
i'm pretty sure you don't write for LWD anymore but if you did, you should totally do a companion to this fic, on the Dasey side
countingthestars12 chapter 9 . 11/30/2011
I absolutely loved this story! I just discovered it, and I'm glad I did, because I haven't read a LWD story in a long time, and I definitely haven't read an Emily-centric story in a long time. What's amusing is that because of the summary, I thought it would be an Emily/Edwin story... so imagine my surprise when it turned out to be an Emily/Sheldon story! But it was a good surprise! This story was extremely entertaining, and the way you wrote the development of Sheldon's and Emily's relationship had just the right touches of sweetness/adorableness, sadness/subtlety, humor, goofiness, realism, and romance. I also loved the Dasey parts, and, really, the parts with all of the supporting characters (Nora, Marti, Edwin, Marina, etc.). And I loved the "moral of the story," so to speak - that sometimes it's not the tall-dark-handsome fantasy guy who you daydream and swoon about who you're meant to be with, but instead the goofy, kind of dorky, but undeniably sweet and caring guy-next-door type you gradually fall for. Overall, awesome work!
stilessttilinski chapter 9 . 4/2/2011
Ohmygod. Characters were SO, SO in-character and lovely and MENTIONS OF DASEY. HOLY SHIT.

I loved this- the craziness, the originality, the characterizations, the development, the detail- all of it was just done perfectly. Not overdone, not too little, just...perfect.

I adore Emily with her files, and her 'ongoing issues' and 'breakups a-z' and just...freakin' phenomenal. (I think I spelle that wrong.)

Anyway, this was amazing and I have to say, I loved it even though it wasn't Dasey. &hearts

Your writing never ceases to amaze me. Keep writing LwD! :)

Le Lynx des Neiges chapter 9 . 11/2/2010
Wow. I don't really know what to say. It's probably one of my favorite LWD fic ever, and it's not really Dasey.

If asked why I love it? Well, there's plenty of reasons. Like, Marti's selling tickets, or how Emily makes people -read fangirls- buy them - I don't have quite recover from that. Edwin's charm, Dasey's angst, "The thing is... if we pursued her, we might catch her", the platonic life partner's thing...

I really love the relationship between Casey and Emily. I love Nora, too, even if all the times where she's here make me want to cry. I don't have words for Sheldon and Emily.

All the characters were very IC, and I mean really all.

If asked my favorite passage... I'd say Emily's break-up video. It's bittersweet and beautifully written, and only for that, I love this fic.

Plus, you've made Derek and Casey back together in the end, and I'm so happy that it's like I could fall in love with this all over again.

Just. Thanks.
Caris L. Clearwater chapter 9 . 9/5/2010
Never thought I'd say this, but cute story. The Sheldon/Emily romance was adorable, and I liked the Dasey undertone. I give it two thumbs up!

silver tears and wasted fears chapter 9 . 9/15/2009
im slightly confused: did CASEY not think that they were in a relationship with derek? or was it the other way around,. cuz when derek said that originally he was all sad but hten emily was saying nora was lal "bla bla bla hurt my ddaughter" bla bla so yeah
Catspaw Blackgaard chapter 9 . 7/14/2009
Wow, I just found this story, and it's incredible! I loved every moment. Emily and Sheldon were totally delicious, and you wrote them so well! Sheldon was the perfect blend of awkward and sweet and off-beat and clueless and fantastic! I really enjoyed the epilogue - it brought things to more closure, and I really liked the slightly happier Derek/Casey thoughts in the epilogue. Overall, this was an incredibly good story! Great job! I was sad to reach the end.
Kara chapter 9 . 7/11/2009

I loved the line about Derek not yet being over Casey, but that he will be, eventually. Gives me hope )

I loved the story, I loved Emily's categorization, I loved the insight into all of the other characters, I loved your Lizzie, and yea, I loved everything.

Great, great job!
shipper4life chapter 9 . 7/10/2009
loved this story! I really liked that through all of this you still kept the focus on Emily, even in the end. keep writing!
Frogster chapter 9 . 7/10/2009
Good. I'm glad Emily got the chance to really throw Jarrod over. Good for her-and for you. :) Now write something else soon!
bsloths chapter 9 . 7/9/2009
ELIZABETH! this was adorable. So, so, so perfect. The little non-sequitur things in the beginning were hysterical, and I loved how Emily completely and finally ended things with Jarrod. And yay for Dasey reconcilliation! What a fun fic. Looking forward to whatever you have up your sleeve next!
Sandalaris chapter 9 . 7/9/2009
Yay! I loved it. XD So many happy endings. XD So much goodness. XD So many smiley faces for you. XD
Brontesis chapter 8 . 7/9/2009
Really lovely, warm bit of retro here and glad the story stayed with Emily and didn't collapse into Dasey! well done mizz liz!
of self chapter 9 . 7/9/2009
Lol, Sheldon did the standard politician line about being a victim of a vicious smear campaign. but as far as I'm concerned , he's still the shizz. Cause in his own words, he got the girl. :). I liked that everyone got their happy endings, Marina included. And LOL, Ed gave George a nekkid calendar of Sheldon! I would have killed to see the look on George's face. Oh and I'm super happy that Emily's so over Jarrod. Cause when you have a cross-eyed midget in Newfoundland called Sheldon Shlepper, codename-awesome why would you need some ridiculously handsome Jarrod Jackson, codename-blah. You wrote Emily/Sheldon fantastically well! Awesome epilogue. Fitting end to this brilliant fic. :)
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