Reviews for Midnight Wings
TReneeM chapter 23 . 1/28/2017
Please update.
Cant wait to read more of your story. I am absolutely loving it.
VoltActionSniper chapter 23 . 9/29/2016
Good move! This story was very washed out. Somewhere along the line you lost sight of what the characters would do. You forgot about himura. You forgot about everything. You forced the plot in this story. When writing a fanfiction it's imperitive you remember the characters and what they would do and write that. Instead of what you seem to have done here. Which is more like you had plot in mind and bent the characters to suit the plot.
VoltActionSniper chapter 12 . 9/29/2016
Geeeeeeeee i wonder if she is going to captured and forced to endure pain. Lol.
VoltActionSniper chapter 11 . 9/29/2016
Gee. I wonder whats going to happen.
VoltActionSniper chapter 9 . 9/29/2016
Fuck dude. You use the same capture kaoru escape bullshit every story. Im finishing this because i cant leave a story unread. But still. A different approach would be nice. I've gone back and counted. Kaoru has been captured and almost escaped only to be foiled eleven times. Eleven fuckin times? Im skipping this chapter cause i know how it ends.
Ilyasviel chapter 22 . 9/18/2016
I had favourited your story for a very long time and was crushed when you decided to end it. When I revisited your profile I was so surprised that we share the same profession. I am also a 25 year old pharmacist! haha! Anyways re-reading your story, I am still in awe of your style of writing. Thank you for giving us an idea of how you wanted the story to end :)
Guest chapter 1 . 2/1/2016
I aabsolutely love this story I wish it was complete I am very picky about what I read so if this had an ending I would probably call it one of my favorites on here.
Please keep going this is great.
furokita chapter 23 . 4/30/2015
Pleasee give more detailed summary about the end of this fic.. I like soujiro even if he is a villain, and I really want to know what happened to him. Your story is so interesting, I can't stop reading it- i feel so sad to know this fic is abandoned. I hope you will write again
Karen chan chapter 23 . 7/22/2014
Omg... Please update , please... A small hope fr Hong Kong...:(
KaoKen4ever chapter 23 . 2/24/2014
please update this story,its really great.
lyn chapter 23 . 9/16/2013
really love this story,pls update.
Sessha Kenshin chapter 14 . 8/25/2013
Ok Im stopping seems the worse are about to happen and seeing as this story's unfortunately been discontinued and I wouldn't want to be left hanging over the 'worse' parts :( It's really sad you don't plan to continue this. I don't know but to me it's very original! And their relationship progressed well from enemies to civilized friends to succumbing to instincts to possessiveness to love.. Argh I haven't even been to the part where Tomoe dies (I assume)... Would you mind letting me know how you plan to end this though? Even a summary will do, onegai shimasu!
kyoandyuya chapter 23 . 7/14/2013
Hi! I actually have an account here but too lazy to log in. I must say that I'm upset that you discontinued the story. Thankfully, you gave us some overview to the final chapters. For that I'm glad.

Hey, I know breaking up is hard and stressful. I'm praying that you'll be able to get over your ordeal. God Bless and Hoping to read your updated stories soon. :)
kyoandyuya chapter 23 . 6/16/2013
Uwaa! Uwaa! Uwaa! Miriel-san please don't abandon this story. :( I want to know how everything ended up. Please please please! :( I want more!
Levi Garnet chapter 23 . 5/23/2013
Dear Miriel,
I've read your stories, and I really love them all... I' m really sad that you decided to stop writing it, but I still have hope that one day you will change your mind and continue to write this beautiful story... I started to read your story 3 year ago, and I'm still waiting until now... I start to post this review in a hope that you will read it and change your mind, because I really love this story... All your story I really like it, I'm really touched by "her existence" and I really drowned by "Daughter of the Blood", also this "midnight wings" drove me crazy... I've re-read your story countless time, and I just want you to know that you are really good at writing! I love your way to express things and you have a wonderful imagination (and ending for "her existence") well... I'm not gonna force you to do something that you already abandon, but I just wish that you will continue to write "Midnight Wings" and " Daughter of the blood" ... I will wait ( forever) for your next update... :)
Cheer Up. And wish you all the best.
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