Reviews for Our True Selves
Sallyannerenee chapter 1 . 3/19/2015
How wonderful was this? I love scary/enraged Sam, well I love hurt/sensitive Sam too. Oh, who am I kidding, I love all sides of the man. And you covered most of them in this story. From abit lost without Dean close Sam, to murderous Sam, to loving Sam, is it any wonder I loved it? And shirtless Dean, there's a lovely thought. Great story.
Fi Suki Saki chapter 1 . 1/16/2015
Oh Poor Dean...

Oh Tamara, luck was on you because Sam doesn't even touch you. Because I though he would kind of hurt her, maybe just a bit.

Oh well, Dean's safety come first anyway...

Good !
NoilyPrat chapter 1 . 12/14/2014
sorry... giggling over the "fondling the car again"... *sigh*
OK, yeah, I can sorta see Tamera wanting to make sure Dean was human and not ... something else. I can understand why she went about it the way she did, but she had to have known Sam wasn't going to just SIT BY. Which is probably why she had backup.

ARGH! Sam running in half-cocked, DUDE! you know better! (Imagining Dean growling at him :D )

and of COURSE Dean would show as human. Only sorry he had to go through all those freakin' tests.
sapphireswimming chapter 1 . 4/15/2013
Leave it to them to do even blessings the hard way.

Goodness. It is odd, though, that nobody ever called Dean out on coming back from the dead. I can't imagine that many people knew, but those that did wouldn't leave it alone. So. This was great. chapter 1 . 9/3/2012
Yet another fic that I had somehow missed first time round. Loved that you had Tamara in this fic, it made sense that she would want to make sure Dean was human now that he had come back from the dead, though the way she went about it was a little drastic, but she isn't the same person she was before Isaac died. And for all the differences between them since Dean came back Sam's Dean-in-danger radar was spot on. And can so imagine Sam needing to take care of Dean once they got back to the motel.
Just love how innovative your fics are, always totally in character and could actually play out as episodes.
Rosetta Brunestud chapter 1 . 4/9/2011
I love it *-*

Sam to the rescue! It's so much fan to read And poor Dean, he's been through a lot


Hunnique chapter 1 . 5/11/2010
They had always been each other's difference.

Cette phrase résume une bonne partie de cette relation fraternelle. Merci pour une autre superbe histoire avec une belle touche d'âme.
Whilom chapter 1 . 11/20/2009
Dean's reaction to finding himself tied up with ropes? Classic! And I loved the way he shot out of the cage to tackle Tamara as soon as Sam got him free.

**“You’re here now, jerk,” he answered with fond exasperation. And didn’t know if he was relieved or sorry when that shut Dean up.**

I can only imagine what's going through Dean's mind when he hears those words. There's a whole world of meaning and memories behind the simple addition of "now" to the phrase.

I loved the last bit, where Sam doesn't need to touch the car because Dean's touching him. As long as he has Dean to ground him, he doesn't need to hold on to substitutes.

Really interesting idea with Tamara coming back. I can definitely see her reasons for coming after Dean, especially if she went kind of loopy there since Isaac was gone.
Marlowe97 chapter 1 . 11/2/2009
"They had always been each other’s difference."

A perfect sentence!

Not much more to say, I hope you know that your fics are way on top of my list for things to read as fast as possible, but somehow this little bugger slipped past my ferocious guard-dogs. But behold for someone looking for this fic on lj so I could read it too. Fabulous!

Sam is quite scary, was scary for me throughout s4, much scarier than anything else. Because there was this doubt and the fact that I didn't understand him anymore... Poor Tamara. She was so certain she'd found a demon. So shocked when she discovered Dean was just human, that the first marks on his uncut body were from her.(I'm certain as a woman, that thought would have crossed her mind...)

Do you know Kipling's poem "The female of the species"? : "'Twas the women, not the warriors, turned those stark enthusiasts pale. For the female of the species is more deadly than the male"

It fits nicely, I think.
LittleLurker chapter 1 . 10/16/2009
Great story!

Loved your idea with Sam's "feeling-up-the-car" thing, when he couldn't make Dean suffer anymore physical

contact or another chick-flick moment. As always the entire plot is well thought through and you made Tamara

believable as well, kind of connecting to her unhinged self we last saw in the show.

Of course, I also enjoyed the Dean whumpage and Sam to the rescue and how you let us see Dean's soft and

forgiving side. As usual, I loved the ending with the over-the-top TLC on Sam's acount and how Dean still

noticed the "foreign, murderous glint" in Sam's eyes giving way to those glimpses of deadness he'd seen in

Tamara and what effect he had on his brother. - Beautiful!

Thanks for sharing and take care!

Supernoodle chapter 1 . 9/18/2009
Totally loved this - like everything else you have written. Love the way you dealt with the car issue, loved how you wrote Tamara. Loved the Dean whump and Sammy to the rescue is always my favourite kind of fic.

Even the aftermath with Sammy going overboard on the TLC was just spot on.

*smiles happily*

ukfan101 chapter 1 . 6/2/2009
interesting idea for a story and quite frankly wonder why they haven't done something like this on the show...maybe they thought since they did the Gordon after Sam that it would be a repeat of that...favorite line "There was still a look sometimes in his little brother’s eyes that worried Dean. The foreign, murderous glint they’d carried back in the shack had given way to glimpses of the same kind of deadness Dean had seen in Tamara. But it evaporated like air when Dean cracked a joke or gave him a nudge, and that was the difference. They had always been each other’s difference." good job
Nana56 chapter 1 . 4/26/2009
Beautiful! Even through the mess of Tamara, it was beautiful. Our boys, important to each other, caring for each other, and loving each other no matter what else is going on.

Loved it.
Tyranusfan chapter 1 . 4/19/2009
It's interesting, Sam grounding himself with the car. I think as much as the Impala is in the show, they never (or don't often) use it for emotional punch the way they could. The Impala is the boys' home, much more than any motel or abandoned house they squat in.

Nice to see Tamara again, and unhinged, as she seemed to be when we last saw her, and nice to see the dangerous side of Sam along with the forgiving side of Dean. Good juxtaposition here.

Great job!
annie200 chapter 1 . 4/19/2009
I loved this. It was really original, and touching without over the top. I can kind of imagine Sam holding on to the door of the Impala.
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