Reviews for Everything
nicholasmage chapter 1 . 1/18/2012
Awww I love Mag. I like how you incorporated the song. And what you said about her soul
Jezebel Jai-Braxlin chapter 1 . 8/28/2010
This made me cry, and also I wanted to launch myself into their world and help her!
zzxxccvvbbnnmm chapter 1 . 4/16/2009
*Sigh* I found another Blind Mag person... Yay! Great oneshot, though it could use a little tweaking. Just a little. Your last few lines are a little strange. As is the word gorged. You might want to switch it gouged...
RabbitHash2016 chapter 1 . 4/15/2009
You caught every little detail about Mag perfectly. I always felt bad for her, and now I feel even worse.

I just have one little thing to point out-'She could only od so much' should be 'She could only do so much'. Be sure to watch out for fast typing errors, they can sneak up on anyone. ;)
