Reviews for Come and Get It
McMoroLady chapter 1 . 7/20/2014
Aww fuck, I can't stop laughing! Amazing fic, really, hilarious! HAHAAAAAAAAH!
Mel-chan chapter 1 . 1/11/2014
I just died from fluffyness... Well I regrat nothing... good job!
WindRush chapter 1 . 2/12/2012
Aww, I loved how Axel and Seifer acted towards each other, I can totally see Axel pulling Roxas on his lap to outdo Seifer!
RunningWest chapter 1 . 8/18/2010
D'aWWWWWWWWWWW. That was so cute!

I really liked it. Good job :)
PuppyShipperLove chapter 1 . 6/15/2010
You have no IDEA how much I love this story and how little Seiner love there is. Akuroku may own the fandom, but Seiner rules my heart. I really liked how you showed the sensitive side of Seifer. I mean, the big badass has a mushy side? SQUEEE! Anyway. That said, you WILL be getting more reviews from me, seeing as I like your writing style and that you seem to enjoy writing, almost as much I love reviewing.

Keep up!

PyroSomniac chapter 1 . 2/21/2010
Aww I liked it! It's hilarious and Axel is awesome! Especially the part when Axel and Seifer were arguing lol 5/5!
mooglestookmyheart chapter 1 . 1/3/2010
aw!so cutee!
Kyoxha chapter 1 . 10/15/2009
...You're going to teach me how to do a one shot and you are going to like it DX.

Finally i found you. _ now i get to tag you *tagz 2 adding fave author...* good. Onward with reading and reveiw per the same time!

I have a horrible mind. The minute you wrote about Roxas eating lunch, i immediately thought of him and his Destiny Island lunchbox and for NO reason, Aladin thermos. ...YES, i pictured it...and now that i said it, so will you! But more to my point, i was afraid Roxas couldn't eat lunch with his friends cuz idk, Axel would be DOING him all the time? har har.

Axel's friends? who are they? ppl who have hearts? XD HA! no i'm HARDLY kidding. there is no jk in honesty. HA!

Pfft. Olette is racist. no no no...RACIST. suggesting that the troubled have detention...she just said the 'N' word in my opinion. HA.


-_- is it sad that i ran away as soon as I read that Hayner had Seifer's beanie? like, i instantly felt he was going to kick MY ass so i decided it was best i just run from my computer and just get the hell outta that sad...yes yes...T_T it is.

I imagine some of the most awesome hair under that hat. like clouds only laid down...maybe i'll draw it forget explaining it-_-

That kiss was far too violent. I just shit a brick and somehow...i'm mildly aroused...*smokes cig as he finishes story*


lol, i can't imagine Roxas caring about gaydar. ;p lol. ...wait what the hell is Olette just doing here not getting any lovin lovin from the firey oven? shit i'll give her sum of my lovin. that girl is hot...-_- s!

o_o...-_- omg, Seifer is Kaiba's love child; friggen screaming at ppl who didn't even know he was w/ Hayner that they're trying to have a moment. There is no 'respect' Seifer.

Oh damnit, i wished Axel and Seifer beat the shit out of each other FML...*continues smoking* stupid other levelheaded boyfriends...


...*takes cold shower and repeats Axels words 'i am ashamed of myself...* LOL, i can has enjoyed myself mainly becauss it was just a moment in time. didn't really have to do with anything and stayed 90% in character. the other 10% in my opinion breaks down in just a few choice words OR what's called ICS (in character situation) where its a little harder to write a character IN character becaused u placed them in a situation that has never been seen in the anime/game/movie whatever ya know? But still you did a great job reguardless and for that i commend you...maybe i'll read some of your house and see how u did.

~this review will selfdestruct if you finish this

sentence. ;p
PencilsLovePaper chapter 1 . 9/4/2009
The author can has reviews, because her story is super epic, and amazing in every way possible.
psychoInnocent chapter 1 . 8/14/2009
kyah~! it's so sweet...and i can completely imagine it...

-starts hyperventilating- Seiner luff is 3
DeleteAccount 12345678 chapter 1 . 7/27/2009
aw so cute ] i luved it!
Jade chapter 1 . 4/29/2009
Aww...that's adorable. Dude, like, seriously, no other words, just cutesy squirming. :D
Bonfiore'sGirl chapter 1 . 4/23/2009
Holy cow! Yeah you can haz reviews! I LOVE this fic! You, my friend, are a genious.
Ellipsis the Great chapter 1 . 4/20/2009 so adorable. AND amazingly in character! Which is weird for a FLUFFY Seiner story! Very well done; keep up the amazing work!
shipet100 chapter 1 . 4/17/2009
Lol, very nice. Keep up the good work.
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