Reviews for But is it Art?
AlecTowser chapter 10 . 7/21/2013
I do hope you plan to finish this at some point. This is too good to leave hanging. D:
Amberdreams chapter 10 . 2/15/2010
Bugger. I should have checked when this was last updated before starting to read, shouldn't I? Oh well, hopefully you will returned fully refreshed to this one very soon...
SimplyOut chapter 10 . 11/7/2009
Update soon plz!
UpstairsMind chapter 10 . 11/7/2009
Omg, loved it!
marinawings chapter 10 . 11/7/2009
i love how the plot is moving along and how the suspense is mounting. things are getting all twisty-turny, which has always been a big part of supernatural, and, naturally, the boys are threatened by imminent danger. ah and that last line... it gave me chills, the scary kind. dean's definitely in some trouble. what's going to happen next! i'm so hooked!
masondixon chapter 10 . 11/6/2009
More Dean whumping to come, I hope. I look forward to chapter 11 and more answers to this mystery. Thank You.
zuimar chapter 10 . 11/5/2009
Great chapter, I love me some angsty Sam and hurt Dean! I hope Sam can get Dean out of the mess he's in. Look forward to the next chapter!
UpstairsMind chapter 9 . 10/29/2009
Loved it! So glad you're continuing this! c:
marinawings chapter 9 . 10/29/2009
hurray! you updated! i was hoping this story would be continued. it's so much fun to read, since it's action-packed and twisty-turny and full of winchester brotherliness. i love it! and i am in suspense! keep it up!
blackcatswhiskers chapter 1 . 10/29/2009
I just found this story on another site - how did I miss it here! I've got a bit of reading to do

masondixon chapter 9 . 10/29/2009
Missed this story but it came back in a quick-moving, action-packed chapter. Hope your next update comes soon. Thank You.
onemediumdrip chapter 8 . 5/12/2009
This is a very interesting fic! I love that it's Season 1, I miss those days. And I also miss the "basic" psychic power days, if you know what I mean. So yeah, I'm liking this story. Keep it up! I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
masondixon chapter 8 . 5/12/2009
I knew there was something off about Chris from the beginning but I didn't guess he was like Sam. I am glad that Dean is still feeling ill (always enjoy a story with sick/whumped Dean) but I am wondering why that demon/? mentioned "painting" him also? I look forward to chapter 9. Thank You.
marinawings chapter 8 . 5/12/2009
another awesome chapter! i love the way your story fits in with the show. the plot is unfolding nicely. and, as usual, dean and sam seem so much like themselves. i can hear them saying their dialogue and practically see the expressions on their faces. awesome work with that! like sam, i am worried for dean. he's had a rough time of it. i look forward to what happens next!
jenilee chapter 8 . 5/12/2009
I had wondered if Chris had killed Elaine in a fit of anger over having done the portrait without his consent but if he is a firestarter than I suppose he would have been more likely to have burned her than bludgeoned her. Although I still am not ruling him out. LOL.

I think Hannah commisioned the answer Sam's question. LOL If Hannah wrote the list I am assuming she would have to be the one to have commisioned the art either for herself or for someone else. Unless she was working part time for Elaine and wrote it for her. Or Chris did and she just wrote it out for him and he really isn't concerned about his portrait at all, cos he was the one that commisioned them... Ugh! I'm driving myself crazy and none of that tells me why. LOL
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