Reviews for Eternal Memories
Alphakilodelta chapter 1 . 3/6/2019
This is an amazing story. I love it so much!
Innnnaaactive chapter 11 . 3/26/2014
Gilded chapter 11 . 1/22/2012
Wow, this story was really quite brilliant. It was interesting the entire way through. Also, it's currently rainy outside where I live so i had the perfect atmosphere for reading your story.
Sarah chapter 11 . 6/14/2011
This was really great.. I've read ur other stories also - keep writing!
Hermione's Shadow chapter 1 . 8/5/2010
ookaayyy... well I definitely think this is going to be interesting, but I definitely like your writing style, so I plan to continue this story later today when it isn't 2:40 am and I've had some sleep ;)
SamDeanLove chapter 11 . 4/23/2010
AH! more more please hurry up!
LvSammy chapter 11 . 5/29/2009
OMG THIS WAS AWESOME! I loved it thanks so much for this. I love when Dean is so over protective of SAMMY! This was so great!
supernaturalsammy67 chapter 11 . 5/26/2009
aw this was brilliant! :)

i loved the ending- perfect!

bless Matt was quite the evil lol

loved it
Raven2004 chapter 11 . 5/24/2009
I got lazy and didn't review the past 5 chapters or so. I couldn't stop reading! Thanks for posting this story!
Raven2004 chapter 4 . 5/24/2009
It's nice to read a story that is so different from what we've seen this season on tv. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love where season 4 has gone but this story reminds me of the early Supernatural.

Hm...I wonder how Matt plays into this story...
Raven2004 chapter 2 . 5/24/2009
I forgot to mention that I really like all three Winchesters together!
Raven2004 chapter 1 . 5/24/2009
The first part of this chapter was really creepy in a good way! It just about gave me goosebumps. Needless to say, it was a great beginning to a story that sounds really intriguing!
youthere chapter 11 . 5/24/2009
I've really enjoyed this fic. I especially loved your Sam and John, conflicted and proud, but ultimately affectionate and OMG hilarious!

Thanks for sharing :)
casammy.armoasantander019gmai chapter 11 . 5/24/2009
I have read of a pull all the history and am impressed really I has enchanted , I always enjoy dean overprotective of dean on sammy and now tha has been united him john in the care of sammy much more, I also am fan of the brotherhood and you cold write whit them
Ciya chapter 11 . 5/23/2009
Interesting twist on Sam's psychic stuff. So Matt's basically cursed to walk the Earth for eternity seeing scenes of death and destruction. Tunnels and dwarves, funny, even though the dwarves were on the blood thirsty side of life.
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