Reviews for Seven Minutes In Heaven
lushlife0x5 chapter 4 . 6/19/2018
This is the link for the fourth chapter, have fun!
A Kind Person chapter 4 . 7/24/2016
For anyone who wants to know, the LiveJournal is katze_90

Have fun with chapter 4 ;)
Spades Of Iridescent Desire chapter 4 . 9/3/2015
Awesome story so far! I would read chapter 4, but it appears the LiveJournal link you have on your profile is no longer valid, since every time I click it I get sent back to you Fanfiction profile. :/

Too bad...I would've really liked to finish the story.
xiaojiang chapter 4 . 11/29/2014
So hot and so sexy! I love love your ByakuyaRukia fics!
Bella Haze chapter 4 . 7/14/2014
I just loved your fic, it caught me from the first line. My english is a little poor but enough to realize that you write wonderfully well
I read chapter four in your lj account and I can't go without saying... That your smut was amazing, you let me breatheless everytime D:
Byakuya is quite OOC in your fanfic but either he was hornily hot and I loved him, oh God, you made me sweaten by the things he said Rukia. He's just so wanteable and loveable e.e Thanks for this fic, I love every ByaRuki lover soul that is in this planet.
Spread the love! And keep writing.

PAMILA DE CASTRO chapter 4 . 9/2/2012
que pena que vc sumiu espero que você volte logo a postar, suas historias são as melhores, abraços
AkuRokuTurkTrainee chapter 3 . 6/12/2012
You're right...that was a sadly short seven minutes if I ever seen one! Hopefully the same rock that falls on lil' miss strumpets head will also crash on mr. interuptor!

That scene was so hot, I had to turn on the fan! I bet it just gets steamier from here...So Excited!
AkuRokuTurkTrainee chapter 2 . 6/12/2012
I almost swooned while reading this! That was one hot moment...I cant wait to see what you do with a full on lemon!
AkuRokuTurkTrainee chapter 1 . 6/12/2012
Very nice formatting and writing style. The set up creates a bit of mystery and a thirst for knowledge regarding the brief taste elluded to in the introduction.
Elise chapter 1 . 4/14/2012
OMG! I need the linf of your LJ now! Please!
Anonyme chapter 4 . 4/10/2012
Hi, ;D

Sorry but the last chapter ist not here anymore ... and its the best part .

:D Love that story! Well done (till now)
PAMILA DE CASTRO chapter 3 . 3/22/2012
eu vou te confessar que hoje é dia de prova na faculdade de Direito, mais eu quero ao menos ler mais um capitulo da sua fanfic, ela é tão boa que não dá vontade de parar de ler, abraços e volte logo a postar.
PAMILA DE CASTRO chapter 2 . 3/22/2012
nossa!esta também é uma fanfic perfeita, eu sei que você nãos posta faz um tempo, mais eu que sou tua fã de carteirinha adoraria se você desse continuidade a sua fanfic, abraços
PAMILA DE CASTRO chapter 1 . 3/20/2012
puxa eu estou viciada nas tuas fanfics, por favor escreva mais, abraços
Tuni chapter 4 . 3/10/2012
Hey i really like this fic (it's different) and of course byaruki 3 but i can't seem to get the link to your LiveJournal Account and i need to read chapter 4 :'(
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