Reviews for Springtime For Luffy
Aewina-chwan chapter 1 . 3/13/2018
C'est sûr c'était doux et mignon , j'ai dû relire quand même pour comprendre mieux. C'est vrai que je pense plutôt que Luffy aurait paniqué en voyant Nami saigner et il aurait appelé chopper de suite. Après c'était mignon quand même huhu
Guest chapter 1 . 12/3/2016
Dudes, it's fanfiction, not novels by JK Rowling. Besides, if you didn't get it, don't flame. I understood it fine, and I'm sure you would too if you didn't spend your time being a jerk in fanfiction websites.
By the way Author, I enjoyed the story, so thanks for taking the time to write it.
RomancyFancy chapter 1 . 7/12/2013
Nice writing- it's got a very smooth flow to it. Captured Luffy's charm very accurately, although the emphasis of Nami's womanly charms were a tad over-emphasised. I think just giving a light description of her body type would send fans and other readers reeling at Luffy's big-boy awakening.
myidiocyismaskedbymysass chapter 1 . 9/9/2012
This is so sweat. Luffy is so kind and i love Chopper and Ussop!
Saya List chapter 1 . 3/31/2010



i demand


pretty please
Z LOT847 chapter 1 . 9/6/2009
nice story, i enjoyed it. i also read that review from that asshole who flamed... whatta bitch!
PrinceSoma chapter 1 . 6/24/2009
A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-W-W-W-W-W! That was sweet of him! X) These oneshots are so cute. Keep up to good stuff~
Jay-Jay51 chapter 1 . 6/10/2009
After seeing the weird comment at the end of the summary for this story, I got curious enough to read the reviews. Oh my god. I don't think I've read so much crap in a review in a long time. Do these people even realize they're reading fan fiction? Luffy might be daft but he's not completely clueless. Even if this idea is a stretch, I feel I must once again stress; this is FANFICTION! A certain amount of artistic licence is expected because sadly enough, we didn't create One Piece! Alastair, I love your LxN stories. I think you're one of the best authors when it comes to getting Luffy's stupid/serious moments down. You also do a great job with the other character interaction and I find myself reading your stories over and over again. This story is no exception. Keep up the great work!
Noc and NC chapter 1 . 4/30/2009
I'm going to go ahead and assume this one-shot comes after A Luff In The Sails, since it would explain Nami's emotional reaction to getting her period :P. You do a great job with writing in a way that makes sure that people really READ the story. Things were so subtle, if I skipped anything I'm sure I wouldn't have understood what was happening. I do my best to remember to keep my speed-reading habits at bay with your stories, though. As usual your Luffy/Nami is well-done and enjoyable.

And hahaha at Usopp, Chopper and Robin XD. Your side-character interaction is also great, as always.
OP-fan188989 chapter 1 . 4/25/2009

That's how I felt after reading the first few sentences/ lines... Main reason is because your story was incoherent most, if not all, of the time. Please, reread the story before submitting because it's going to sound confusing to the readers who seem to be a little slow.

Another thing that was awful in the story is because Nami would obviously notice what time of month it was for her... Luffy probably hasn't got a clue about what women do during that month. Did you forget that Mr. Strawhat did not live in a town full of women, young and old, on every corner of the street. Yes, it is rather hard to believe this, but Luffy did not do that sort of stuff early on in his childhood. He was with Garp training to become a "marine", not trying to study on how women decide to preform during that time of month. After Garp left and Luffy chilled out, we can understand that Luffy did not spend the next 10 years doing studies on the inner body of women. He spent it training and fighting to hone his skills. Soon after, Luffy did not get introduced to a female teenager until he eventually met Nami. So, unless he magically understood that Nami has this thing happen to her every month, which it's been like two or three months, at the least, that she was traveling with Luffy. Luffy has not learned about such a drastic event that plagues women everywhere yet.

Thank you and please try again some time.
Fairy Of Anime chapter 1 . 4/21/2009
lol that was cute
Confession68 chapter 1 . 4/20/2009
Hmm ... was okay. A lot of it was confusing, and it seemed to move too quickly. TAKE YOUR TIME, WHORE. Anywho, thanks for sharing though. It was cute, even though I'm sure Luffy doesn't have a clue about women's inner workings ... Haha! XD Or maybe he does. He's good like that. XP