Reviews for iHop
Nemhain2009 chapter 1 . 11/21/2018
Laughing so hard right now!
Kelkatan chapter 1 . 2/3/2015
Omg, I'm dead! Gold plated cock ring? *dies laughing* I have a new respect for Wufei, yes I do.

Each of the guys are so natural in the way they communicate with each other, and I like that despite the misunderstandings that Duo and Wufei had of each other, they sincerely wanted to be better friends. You've given Heero an easy manner and it's easy to see his personality developing that way rather than the ultra serious persona some give him. And Wufei obviously has a more open, sociable side now that he better understands Duo and his background. I just really love how you've portrayed them. The whole series was fun! Glad I found this!
Makurayami Ookami chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
I'm happy they bonded some and cleared things up.

omg i thought i was gonna die laughing.
Greysh chapter 1 . 11/23/2014
lol nice ending. glad I wasn't drinking, I would have choked too. having wufei say 'gold plated cock ring'! -
I liked the bonding between duo and wufei, they mean well but they had a lot of communication errors it seems.
Glad that they could talk about their friendship.
Again, a nice fic with a lot of character building,emotions and information in so a little chapter. well done!
from the nicknames-bullying to the veggies. I'm sure that heero also has some hang-ups, but is staying silent for now.
Undertaker 499 chapter 1 . 7/31/2012
Heh heh heh! Awesome, I love how Wufei is all evil and dirty at the end! OwO
Shinigami Kiyomi chapter 1 . 7/1/2012
lol i love it! wish there was a sequel to this...
Laptop Newbie chapter 1 . 3/23/2012
The first two prequels, quite wonderful, building up all those misunderstandings while the reader knows the easy truth. I wish the retrieval scene at the drunk tank was written more clearly. I had to reread it several times to figure out somehow Duo and Heero were on their feet, held down their three captors. There's no sense of time or position though I see you try to state them.

I question why they would resist after their arrest. Yes, they were tired while on the road but why not act like their snotty selves and figure their way out after fighting to get home? In this fic, the ending was OOC for Wu Fei to want to purchase a gold-plated cock ring. Since your writing lacked any sexual innuedos throughout along with content hinting more at 1x2 relationship, it was quite sudden, and perhaps not the most ideal ending.

I would have replied in three separate reviews but the fics were rather short and I knew there were three before reading the first one. I thought they would have gone quite nicely together as one fic. I did like the plot, albeit a bit common and disappointing at times after I was seemingly promised a bit more. Good job!
Kaliko the Cat chapter 1 . 10/24/2010
Hilarious! I wish you posted the next chapter! I can only imagine what those three would do in a sex shop with Lady Une's credit card! The horror!
Trinity Tomoe chapter 1 . 11/23/2009
Oh dear... I know this was a trilogy but could you possibly find it in your heart to write one more... I would dearly love to see Une's reaction to said purchase(s).
BladeMaxwell-GoddessofDeath chapter 1 . 11/6/2009
Oh My GOD!

That was hilarious!

You did an awesome job!

I loved it!

Great Write


kidishcaresh chapter 1 . 11/5/2009
Haha! I would love to see Une's face when she gets the bill for that last purchase! Hehe love your work lots
Queen Amunet chapter 1 . 9/13/2009
OMG! you jsut can't drop something like that. There needs to be at least one more addtion to it.

Like their trip to the store and maybe a trip to the bedroom to test out the now toys. Something fun.
Chibi Tenshi Sama chapter 1 . 8/18/2009
“I feel the need for a gold plated cock ring.”

I died upon reading that line. I really enjoyed this trilogy. You positively killed me. Excellent writing.

Keep up the good work!
Butler22 chapter 1 . 6/19/2009
Guh. Want moar! I know you said it was only a trilogy, but still. That's a horrible, horrible place to stop it.

But it is still a fantastic trilogy.

Bakaperson chapter 1 . 6/2/2009
-snorts and laughs till face is blue- gawd that was funny and extra so cause I just chugged a whole two litter of dew...m dew...anyhoo, loved the trilogy and Une will be so mad! Ha..the things you can do with a credit card that isnt yours...heh
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