Reviews for Control Freak
IndyStarkDeanJr chapter 37 . 2/14/2017
I discovered this story just now and I spent all my afternoon reading, eating it, I couldn't help it, it was like a drug, an addiction. You're smart and I love how you described everything, going back to the past and coming back to the present, simply amazing !
I do have a crush on the older House, as everyone here ... And I swear I never read such story before where their younger version are so in character. I completely fell in love with him, once again. Your work is amazing. I could picture them in my head in less than a second...
I love Alec! Such a nice guy. Wilson, too. Haha, they are very similar :D
And... Their love making,OMG. That was perfect. It's the first I really appreciate. It's natural, it's been a long time for her. And he is handsome. Sweet. Lovely. Perfect. Perfect. And I love the fact that she's the one leaving ! I can't help writing compliment and I could continue again and again. You truly deserve it!

I... It was incredible. Thank you so much for this moment where I forgot everything and let myself be completely into a story.
... Thank...
hannhannham chapter 37 . 3/15/2011
Just read the entire thing and absolutely loved it! Loved how you switched back and forth!
Belle-Cuddy chapter 37 . 2/6/2011
Love your fic :D
babygurl0506 chapter 37 . 11/12/2010
I, ironically, have a chemistry test this morning... but instead of studying got totally wrapped up in this.

And today at 8 am, I will totally pull a House and BS my way through it. WWHD? LOL
amongstbrokenwords chapter 16 . 8/2/2010

I officially love you! Not only is this fic awesome, but you have literally just quoted my favourite song ever.

5 stars to you :) chapter 37 . 7/22/2010
Heey their :D

great great great fic... got caught up in it and read it in like two or three days, wich is actually a lot since english isn't my first language, danish is .. :) You written it so well that even if you didn't understood a few word you could still follow the story in every way, so thank you :D

It was just fun reading and I think it worked really well with the whole going back and forth between past and present even though I was i little bit sceptical in the start :)

good luck in the future with writing fics :)

Love, Lone
paulac45 chapter 37 . 2/20/2010
Absolutely loved it and didnt actually want the story to end. Thought the 'past/present' theme was great. The ONS was beautifully done. May have been your first fic but it was brill!
bowelgroovement chapter 2 . 1/5/2010
niikiita chapter 7 . 1/2/2010
LOL, I know you are expecting review on chapter 37 not 7 but I have to say, I got so alarmed and confused when I read that Cuddy barged into House's office and was PISSED at him. I was like, "What the hell happened here? Did I miss something? W-Why's a tear dropping down her cheek?" And then I found out... Just had to tell you. Hehe.
shion81 chapter 37 . 1/1/2010
that was unexpected! the end, I mean... :O

well I guess I've to congratulate with you! I love so much your story and I'm really gonna miss it!

Love the final, the characters, the sweetness and the bitterness.

well write work!

thanks a lot for sharing it!
Isabel Bernardi chapter 37 . 1/1/2010
CONGRATULATIONS! I loved it so much!
Missing Linka chapter 37 . 12/31/2009
Thank you very much for this great story! I really enjoyed the whole thing!

God bless you!

Josam chapter 37 . 12/31/2009
Thanks a lot for this story ! You have continue to write, this is very nice ! Are you gonna write a sequel ? or another story ?

This one is so great ! I love the parallele btw young years and today ! I love the relationship you give them in university ! I will read your next story, I'm sure they will be great too ! (I'm a little sad this is the end of this one... but I will be happy when I will read your next fic ! lol)
HouseBroken chapter 37 . 12/30/2009
loved it
please unsubcribe me chapter 37 . 12/30/2009
Great fic... Such an interesting take on their lives, from the beginning to the present. :)
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