Reviews for Interim
Belle910 chapter 2 . 4/30
Hi, I would really like it if you can do more on this series. I mean, all of this is fantastic, absolutely perfect, but I was wondering if it would be possible for you to create another page or two. For example, I’d really like to know what happens on Sirius’s (Padfoot) page, but in Lupin’s point of view. Or even Lupin’s life, when it was Peter’s (Wormtail) page. Or maybe even in the next book - Goblet of Fire - on Sirius and/or Lupin’s point of view. I was also wondering if you could add a page or something, for when what it’s like for Sirius being cooped up in 24 Grimmauld Place.

I would to let you know I am aware that this is not official, and that you did make up these points of views, but I love reading these perspectives and your work.
Please take into consideration of what I have said, I would love it if you could do more on these peoples views.
Thank you for your time,
An admirer.
Guest chapter 3 . 2/11/2019
Wonderful story! I love your writing.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/29/2018
Thank you for this. Percy and Wormtail's thoughts are very effective and ring true. Poor Percy. Peter's slide to the dark side is convincing, as is Remus' resistance. Sirius' exile is convincing. Fragments (large fragments) but not plotless.
PSW chapter 3 . 7/2/2016
I quite enjoyed your 'plotless wonder' - especially the thoughts and motivations you ascribe to each of them. It's interesting to see a take on why they might have behaved as they do...

Thanks for writing!
Guest in Europe chapter 3 . 5/11/2016
Another brilliant read. Thank you. I'm off to read the next part right now...who needs to go to work and get stuff done?
Marsupial Madness chapter 1 . 3/13/2012
This was an amazing chapter. I loved it... it was hilarious for most of the time, and I think it's funny how he half-berates himself for thinking like a pedophile (ahaha). The ending was perfect... you ended it on the correct note. That would be my thoughts too.

And this is done really well considering it was before the last three books. I never really noticed while I was reading it. Except for the fact you made it so Sirius and James were friends since they were tots, it was fine.

Loved it. And you were right: it can stand alone.
Miranda Took chapter 3 . 12/16/2011
Severus Snape had never bothered to grow up.

Exactly the way I feel about him. I'll come back to read all your stories, but I just want to say, I loved this.

Have you read 'North' BY Inkandpaper? It is about Sirius' journey from Azkaban to Hogwarts via a detour to catch a glimpse of Harry. It's good. You might like to read it.
Miranda Took chapter 1 . 12/16/2011
I don't believe Peter had any noble motives in joining Voldemort, but I loved reading this anyway. Can we please please have stories dating from when Bill and Charlie are in school and the marauders are idolized by them? The coat of armour one? Please?
restinpace chapter 3 . 6/23/2009
Plotless it may be, but I immensly enjoyed this story.
Birdgirl204 chapter 3 . 11/21/2008
This was absolutely fantastic. I even loved Wormtail's chapter, and I'm not normally a fan of -oh, shall we say "minor character"? fics- but I absolutely loved that perspective. Damn rat.
Gwaeren chapter 3 . 1/2/2008
Absolutely amazing.

And I really couldn't care less if you didn't make it compliant to the end of the series. I loved it. You really know the characters - perhaps even more than Rowling herself. I LOVE your portrayal of them, and am looking forward to reading more from you.
Sera dy Relandrant chapter 3 . 9/23/2007
I think the J stands for John.
Sera dy Relandrant chapter 1 . 9/23/2007
BRILLIANT. I am too stunned, amazed, awestruck, bewildered, blinded, dazzled by it's stunning, million-watt Brilliance with a capital B to write a long review. It is beyond me.
Lexie-H chapter 2 . 8/27/2007
You know what? the whole "None of us is hiding Sirius Black under our cloaks. Go," and then Remus considering summoning a patronus using all those old memories, including those of sirius and harry... that just made all the difference, here. my favorite bit, hands down.

another wonderful chapter. i think i forgot to mention it before, but your characterisation of Peter was superb, and Remus is equally as brilliant: i enjoy this especially for all the flashbacks. Remus' sense of nostalgia is so touching and emotive, and once again you wrote this beautifully. the weaving of JK's dialogue in with your own descriptions was a lovely touch. *amazing* story
Lexie-H chapter 1 . 8/27/2007
wow. this does wander on, but in a completely charming way. i loved percy as a child, and him being in the marauder's old dorm... and all the little touches about life with the weasleys. its gorgeous, and i love it. you write wonderfully well, and i am definitely going to favourite this!

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