Reviews for Punch Line
Supernatural369 chapter 14 . 3/30/2012
OMG OMG I freaking love this chapter, Ill give you a hand the story was pretty good. But this chapter did it for me, the way Dean basicly destroyed Steve without doing anything gave me the chills. I freaking love it!
deansbabygirl934 chapter 11 . 4/13/2010
that chapter was...well it was so heart hurts because of the dog fighting..i love dogs they are so loyal and caring when you allow them to be..the same goes for all animals...just breaks my heart...okay on to a happier note...i just love mike she so imperfect she perfect...she seems like a kinda person that would smile just because she can..which is just great..i'm gonna keep reading now!
deansbabygirl934 chapter 6 . 4/12/2010
that was a good chapter..and i should say that i have read some of your other stories and loved them as where did you get the name from..i'm always up for a good why i keep coming back to your stories:) cant wait to read more!
TheStylishElf chapter 15 . 4/8/2010
Good story! I like the character of Mike! She was good, and good for Dean!
Rokhal chapter 2 . 12/17/2009
Dr. Cox is the best coroner ever.

"Like honey-coated gravel." Donuts. The smell of formaldehyde. The obscenely thorough account of the stiff's cause of death. Love!
DarkAero chapter 15 . 6/25/2009
A nice ending.

I still can't believe that Mike had been dead all along. This is... wow... I really didn't expect that.

Let me tell you - I LOVE you for that story. I'm honest if I tell you that I've never read something like this before; and I mean this in a good way.

Dog fights, and the emotional trouble the brothers - especially Dean - had about it... awesome.

Thank you very much for sharing.

I'd love to read more of you.
Gabsmom chapter 13 . 6/15/2009
This is great, and I see nothing wrong with your english. Chapter 11? was disturbing...I am a closet tree hugger, so I get upset when anything with fur gets hurt, more than a person. But the story is great and I have added it onto my favorites list so I can keep up with it.
Gabsmom chapter 3 . 6/15/2009
So far I like the story...the only thing, I am sure it has been mentioned before, but you repeat part of your chapter 2 into your chapter 3. But I am going to keep reading.
DarkAero chapter 13 . 6/15/2009
I really am in love with your story. On an emotional level, it's completely unbeatable.

I've rarely read a story that could catch me away that much.

I'm DYING to read more.

Please update soon. You do one hell of a job.
januarysunshine13 chapter 12 . 6/12/2009
That has been a great chapter. Can easily be converted into a scene of a real episode. Really, good job there!
DarkAero chapter 12 . 6/12/2009
Wow... Dean in shock. Sam's bad mood backfired pretty badly as it seems.

Again a great chapter.

Please update soon.

Reply A/N: If you do a good job in writing, you have a right to know that.

It's a shame that I'm the only reviewer to that story, but I understand that it can be difficult to actually write something. Because, as soon as you submit the review, it stands there.
DarkAero chapter 11 . 6/9/2009
Like a car accident... it's horrible but you can't look away. That's how I felt when reading this chapter.

As gruesome as it was, this chapter was epic and makes me hungry for more.

Please - PLEASE - update soon. I really like your story.
DarkAero chapter 10 . 6/6/2009
I really liked that chapter. Your character Mike really has lots of 'people reading skills'. I like that. (I could almost imagine Dean calling her again, just because of her as a friend. Well... almost...)

Sam's speech about him being able to take responsability was imo very good. I fit very well.

And there was a Sam-and-Dean-as-a-couple moment. I always like them very much, especially in the TV series. (TMATEOTB - Slash-Fans - Sam/Dean - This was the best until now, imo.) XD

Please update soon. But... take your time.
DarkAero chapter 9 . 6/5/2009
*drools uncontrollably on keyboard*

Amazing! O_O

I really envy your writing skills. Have you written fanfictions before? Here it's your first if I see it right.

Your story is simply awesome.

Take as much time as you need, but... please update as soon as possible, okay? ;D

(What a shame that nobody reviewed this before...