Reviews for Topaz Sunset
Varsini C P chapter 9 . 2/25/2019
Okay. I love this version. It's got great potential and I'm intrigued to know what happens next. I really hope you continue to write this. I'd hate to see it go waste.
Random highschooler chapter 1 . 7/5/2015
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saintsxsailors chapter 9 . 6/26/2013
I read the original, and while I love the revised version is it possible for you to send out a copy of the original? I honestly want to reread it and I didn't realize you stopped updating this one :(
EvesD chapter 9 . 5/27/2013
mimalk chapter 9 . 10/23/2012
aren't u gonna post more chapters? :(
scareDcat chapter 9 . 4/23/2012
I'm loving this story so far!
Directionervampirediariesgirl chapter 9 . 2/11/2012
hope your mom is feeling better.

please update son:)
angelplusbuffyequals4ever chapter 9 . 2/5/2012
Seems almost like mind control even thought its not
Nissa-Cullen chapter 9 . 2/5/2012
Poor Bella. Everything is just kind of messed up for her right now. She'll figure it out eventually. The Cullen's better watch out. What were they so upset with Daniel for? Or was it Bella for saying yes? I don't know why but I had déjà vu during this whole chapter. It was weird. I know I haven't read it yet but for whatever reason it felt like I had. I still enjoyed it though.
LiLi82 chapter 9 . 2/3/2012
love it
angelplusbuffyequals4ever chapter 8 . 1/26/2012
ChocolateDipped chapter 8 . 1/21/2012
AH! PLEASE UPDATE SOON, LIKE TOMORROW SOON! And eww, dissection. And when she stepped on the heart... *vomit*

The.Brilliant.Thinker chapter 8 . 1/21/2012
OMG this just became my favorite story :D
LiLi82 chapter 8 . 1/21/2012
love it
Noble Korhedron chapter 8 . 1/21/2012
Sympathies RE Mumsie. And can I say, I am nearly CERTAIN I've read this before - right down to Edward's attack in the lab... Are you re-writing this or something? #confused
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