Reviews for The Strange Case of Aang and Azula
Bluewarrior3 chapter 4 . 5/28
I forget that there all so young, I keep reading it like there all 18 or 19 year olds, but there not there like twelve, fourteen, sixteen year olds.
GodsAngel15 chapter 1 . 4/23/2017
you really capture Azula's personality perfectly! your a great writer! please keep writing!
Kiana chapter 9 . 4/21/2017
Whens chapter 10 loving this so far
RangerJacksonPotter123 chapter 9 . 3/2/2016
This is so hilarious. Plz update again when possible. This story is OMG amazing! Plz update
David chapter 9 . 12/21/2015
wow this story is amazing
Guest chapter 9 . 4/4/2015
Plooks like this :(
GreatAndPowerful chapter 9 . 12/11/2014
Such a good story but it seems you've decided to not continue it.
Kingg6 chapter 9 . 9/19/2013
I love the story so far, I hope you come back and finish it.
nico chapter 3 . 7/2/2013
lidia chapter 9 . 5/5/2013
really liked your book here! and you write really well! I really want to know when the next chapter is gonna come..
The Dark Imperial chapter 6 . 4/23/2013
Sooooooooooo, Dr. Toma is queer? That means gay by the way.
Bob Build chapter 9 . 3/11/2013
Really good plot and story. Could actually picture everything that was going around.
BlackDiamond07 chapter 9 . 2/28/2012
they must be crazy to think that Azula, mentally stable or not, is gonna let them use her! I can't wait for more Azulaang! I just haveone favor...don't make Azula apologize! I mean unless it will be a sort of minute one, then I can understand. For some reason she reminds me of Vegeta from DBZ and I can't see him apologizing for the War Frieza forced him through. Luv your work!
SimplySinful21 chapter 8 . 7/30/2011
Beautiful and coldly conflicting, simply Azula! I am in love with your fic and I can't wait for the 'changed' version of Azula, granted she will still be a wonderful firebender, but knows the limits of the human psyche.

4rm da blk chick$$$
Pyrithium chapter 1 . 6/28/2011
Man Azula is my favorite character and reading this has made me come to realize just why I love her. Great story thus far, waiting for the next chapter!
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