Reviews for iWas Kidnapped
Guest chapter 8 . 6/11/2013
Update soon, please :D This story has been amazing so far
sonicfangirl321 chapter 2 . 2/27/2013
"No you cannot stop for a taco!" XD
Mixer chapter 8 . 8/17/2012
Awww, I love this story. Too bad you didnt continue it. :( It was great!
Ghost adventure lover23 chapter 8 . 3/25/2012
Wow great job update soon
alicecullen11313 chapter 1 . 12/30/2011
The message is "im on the corner of 5th and maple drive please hurry love carly"
lurking artist chapter 8 . 12/26/2011
interesting . . .
opalpaw chapter 8 . 7/20/2010
hi, i'm the person who put too late as their name because i was sad that this was not updated forever. if you ever do update, i will read it cause it is good. i also did not login cause i was too lazy. so peace and please update soon.
too late chapter 8 . 6/17/2010
okay, i know this story hasn't been update for a while, but i got the secret message. look at the first letter of every paragraph
Countess Kawakage chapter 8 . 6/15/2010
Wow! This is really good story. I just read it from the begining and it's drawn me in. I hope you continue it. I'd really like to learn more about they people that took Carly and see if she can actually stay with her friends. Please continue, I really like this story!

Kittykatgurl21 chapter 8 . 1/24/2010
You have to do this! Please continue writing this story, it is so exciting and I love it so far. You are a genius writer, and I cant wait to see what happens to Carly. Please Please Please dont stop writing this. I beg you!

CaptainKrueger chapter 8 . 12/13/2009
Ooh, I'm really interested.

When Spencer said "No more jerky!" I was reminded of the Lizzie McGuire Show because Matt would wake up screaming "No more gravy!" Update soon!
CaptainKrueger chapter 6 . 12/13/2009
Wow, sad, intense. I didn't get the message, but that's so cool when I read the letter over!
XxMuddy-PiexX chapter 8 . 12/12/2009
Prettylittleliar93 chapter 8 . 12/12/2009
Update soon please.
Prettylittleliar93 chapter 8 . 12/12/2009
Update soon please.
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