Reviews for Quando Viene Dicembre
Marionette of Ancient Relics chapter 2 . 2/23/2019
Risu Alto chapter 2 . 1/11/2015
Awwww! This was so cute and heartwarming. Nice work.
Runaway Mushroom chapter 2 . 7/19/2010
Ok, I love Evil Jenyus for planting the idea for a sequel in your brain. Awesome girl... woman... female human being... I hope. xD

Why do I find the notion of a humming!Cloud so grin-inducing? :o Maybe 'cause it's you writing it! ;)

Amnesia! Will he find out that Leon is actually his long thought-to-be lost lover? Please? xD

Oh, and happy not-at-all angsty Cloud? YEEEEEES! *hand over a huge batch of multi-coloured, awesomely decorated cupcakes* To make you as happy as you've made me! xD

""Fuck," I murmured. Leon would not be happy." If you two did it, I bet he would be VERY happy!

"The barrier his mind had built against his memories is broken." So, hitting your head is... good? *goes to try it out, but thinks it would be better not to a moment later* I'll take your word for it. xD

Is he gonna find out Leon is his lover, is he? I'm getting anxious over here, ok? xD

"He watched me for a while" Is Leon gonna be all Edward Cullen-like in this fic? I'm sorry, but that's a little creepy... -.-' *scrolls down* It seems like he won't! Extra brownie points for not making it creepy! xD

It's Leon, it's Leon, it's Leon... Remember that already! xD

AND HE REMEMBERS! OMG, YEY! 8D Thank you, Muffin-sama!

And the lovers reunite at long last! Double yey!

"I love you, Squall." The fact that Squall doesn't correct him saying he's Leon, makes it all the better! Thank you, Idol-sama! xD

And this is why you're my idol! 'Cause you manage to make me grin incontrollably with so little. Ah, it feels so good coming back to read you fics! You're so awesome, Muffin Idol-sama! xD
Runaway Mushroom chapter 1 . 7/19/2010
IDOL-SAMA! Your faithful fan has returned! xD

I hope you're still alive! (Ya better be! Or else I'll have to go make a pact with a demon... Sorry, I've been "stuck" on the SN fandom... yeah.) And that's the reason I've taken a time off from worshipping you! (That sounded horrible... I'm sorry! ToT)

First I got really addicted to Kuroshitsuji (I discovered the anime from a reply you sent me. You inspire me! xD) and Sebastian/Ciel... until episode 17. Then I started wishing Sebastian got raped by rabid bunnies with 12 foot schlongs (which I imagine are impossible to walk/jump with, but great for torture. xD) After that came the FFXIII fandom and then the SN one... We all go through phases, ok? -.-'

And now I'm back to swearing my loyalty and devotion to you, oh Muffin-sama! xD Carrying on...!

"Your burglars"? Are you a gang leader? :O xD Anyway, since about a year has passed since you posted this fic, Happy (belated) Laptop Birthday! 8D

At the beginning of the story, I couldn't stop myself from imagining Cloud wearing a frilly dress and twirling around in the middle of a ballroom. *gigglesnort*

"Because my eyes were closed", yeah right! Just admit you're clumsy, Cloudy!

And I grinned at oblivious uke! Cloud! xD

I'm gonna read the next chapter now! Yey, I missed reviewing your fics! xD
Cleonhart chapter 2 . 4/8/2010
*dreamy sigh* That was so beautiful, Tis is my favourite song out of all the disney movie so imagin my surprise when i find out that one of my fav authors wrote a fic with my favourite pairing with it XDD Anyhoo exellent job as always :3
Dragi chapter 2 . 10/15/2009
so cute :)
TheRealMapleSyrup chapter 2 . 5/15/2009
omg so cute!

I think it's the cutest thing i've read in a long while, i love it!
mochiusagi chapter 2 . 5/12/2009
aw that was sweet!
silverxsephiroth chapter 2 . 5/6/2009
So this is amazing! It had me tearing up (tear... like crying XD)and I love it!

I almost wish something like that would happen to me X)
JJbad chapter 1 . 5/5/2009
Yeah after reading this I so had to go listen to Once upon a december. I can't believe I forgotten how cute the song was! Your story pretty much as as cute as it was to be honest I liked it. Somewhat sad it ended afer two chapters but that is life right?
Evil Jenyus chapter 2 . 5/4/2009
Oh damn, now that song's stuck in my head :P XD i feel special you're very welcom XD


the Evil Jenyus
TheRealMapleSyrup chapter 1 . 5/3/2009
oh my god! I LOVE THAT SONG!

such a cute story too...
Evil Jenyus chapter 1 . 5/3/2009
i like the idea...a lot :) i vote towards a sequel! have leon come to cloud in the middle of the night, start humming that song, and have them start dancing to it where leon will pause, kiss him, and cloud will realize it's always been him. i guess there's no real need for any smut, but if you could work it in w/o it being tacky or cliche, that'd not only be extremely welcomed but simply amazing :D


the Evil Jenyus