Reviews for A Ring in the Hand
Guest chapter 8 . 12/23/2018
O how I enjoyed this story, fellow Canuck! I was drawn into the imagery, the Summer Court and it's sexy King, the ring ramifications, the intrigue,... oh so seductively I was led on. The kidnapping of Sarah, Jareth's treasured bachelorhood at stake, the Royal shotgun wedding of two unwilling partners;; the story rollicked along. I was mesmerized, rivetted by the quicksilver characters and their fascinating interactions. Sarah, wresting control of the Summer King and foiling his victory, Jareth suave and proud in backing his new bride. .. o how I rejoiced! Then, of course the consummation of the marriage and the contentment at the conclusion...
why, I'm quite breathless at this point! Think I'll get a drink..or a fan ..or something..
MaraSkywhiner chapter 8 . 3/12/2018
I enjoyed this, particularly your description of the Summer King and Court. Well done!
Buka-Faye chapter 1 . 3/2/2017
love the intro so far. as a reader it grabs my attention and I enjoy that it was written in the writers POV
Angharad23 chapter 1 . 9/3/2015
Short, sweet, beautifully written, passionate, interesting and romantic all in one go. I thoroughly enjoyed this!

Also, I 100% agree with you about L.M. Montgomery and Kipling and quality of writing. One of my very favorite stories since childhood is one of the "Just So" stories about how writing was invented.
Guest chapter 8 . 3/29/2015
This could seriously be so much longer.
So much potential, such well written characters, and excellent writing... I want this to expand. Don't make me pout... :C
Oh, now, see? I'm pouting...
Lol, but seriously, I wish it was longer, was well worth the read. :3
Irina Hunter chapter 4 . 3/8/2015
A naiad is a water nymph. A tree nymph is called a dryad.
Kenady Flaherty chapter 1 . 4/5/2014
Wow... nice incorporating the ring from something that no one gave a second thought about... Fantastic! :D
CarpeDiemMay chapter 8 . 9/20/2013
this was really interesting... in a DEFINATELY HOT GOOD way )
Lunasent chapter 5 . 8/14/2013
I like this very much, but the mp3 threw me off a bit. They didn't exist in the 90's sot hat kinda got me. But it IS a good story and I do like it.
Ice Demon Ranger chapter 8 . 6/30/2013
Adorably wonderful.
Cecily Mitchell chapter 8 . 2/15/2013
Very good! I hope you do get around to more stories of how they defy the Summer King. It sounds so intriguing.
jayb1rd chapter 8 . 1/7/2013
I know I'm 4 years late, but lurv it! Beautifully and artfully done. I at once feel sympathy for both of them. You captured their reluctance and capitulation in a completely believable way and were very true to both King and Sarah's original characterizations. Fabulous.

P.S. I don't know if you'll have time, but could you give my little fic a read. I need some feedback from people whose writing style I respect. (That would be you.:) s/8660497/1/Masquerade
Kyndsie chapter 8 . 7/31/2012
*sigh* I hate for this story to be over, but you're right. Better to finish than to destroy it.

Plus, I've enjoyed your chapter titles.
Kyndsie chapter 7 . 7/31/2012
What Sarah did was a better option than my idea, which was for her to kick the Summer King in the... knee... no, the OTHER knee.

Plus, her serious-as-anything threat against that same scumbag reminded me of Inigo Montoya. (just kind of how my brain works) So, thank you!

And I can picture these events as though they're happening in front of me. Very vivid descriptions. Thank you!
Kyndsie chapter 6 . 7/31/2012
I like this mature Sarah, who can see things right in front of her face... that she isn't blaming Jareth at this moment. I can certainly imagine her including it in arguments later, though!
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