Reviews for Commandments
Admiral T. DeVanto chapter 6 . 10/11/2019
Aw! That is so sweet! I loved the character change in Eustace and I could never understand why his parents did not like this positive transition in his character. However, that last line gave me hope that she was finally accepting Eustace for who he is now.
Admiral T. DeVanto chapter 5 . 10/11/2019
Baby Caspian, despite the severity of the situation, just made me squeal! And with a little lion toy! I love how you foreshadow everyone's demise if they break these Commandments. It's a great display of Aslan's power.
LiveAndLetRain chapter 1 . 2/21/2014
Such a very appropriate commandment for Rabadash.
Miss mia chapter 4 . 3/25/2013
You translated the "Ride of Theoden" into OLD ENGLISH?! Good grief! Yep, I'm impressed.
ladybug114 chapter 10 . 1/5/2013
wow wow wow! this is fantastic! great idea, and great job with it. I especially loved edmund's and susan's chapters!
Misty Blue chapter 10 . 10/1/2012
This . . . this is a wonderful, wonderfully-written and excellent piece! All the chapters, everyone's story . . . it's all simply amazing! Awesome series. Now we remember The Ten Commandments, too!

Oh, and giving Edmund the last chapter, I think, is a great idea. It's only right and it totally fits, since he's the most changed and molded out of all the characters in the Narnia books (though of course there are the others. Like Aravis!). You've done a marvelous job. Please, keep writing, and God bless you!
Rayven49 chapter 8 . 8/29/2012
Holy crap. Just read "Thou shalt not take God's name in vain" and at first I thought it was Susan and a confessor, then Susan and Aslan, then Susan and Jadis-but once you got to the beak I knew it was Tash. This is horrific in an awesome way. Your cleverness is wonderful, but the thought that Susan would turn to Tash is awful. It makes sense though, how she would no longer hear the power in the Lion's name and turn her back completely, as she does in the books. This gives a totally logical explanation for it all.
Nice job!
kaminoko-x chapter 10 . 6/28/2012
Wow, I really loved this. Your take on the 10 Commandments is pretty cool.
I think it was especially meaningful to me because I'm a Christian and all that. I heard somewhere that Aslan is supposed to represent God in real life, so yeah.
So that made this fic all the more special to me! Loved it.
Pearl Bramble of Willowbottom chapter 10 . 12/18/2011
This was a wonderful story, Lirenel!

I appreciate the explanations at the bottom of some of the chapters, so that readers would understand the possibly more confusing parts.

-Pearl Bramble of Willowbottom
WillowDryad chapter 4 . 10/10/2011
"a son of a star and sea-caught sovereign"

That's gorgeous.
Rhyselle chapter 4 . 10/6/2011
Oh, my goodness! How can I not have found this piece before. I liked the first three, but this one just is fantastic! I happen to love Anglo-Saxon alliterative poetry, and you made this perfectly.

And the content! I simply must shout "Yes! Yes! YES!" to every word!

I can't count the number of slash/incest/adultery fics that I've run into (and run from!) when looking for Narnia fics. It is so refreshing to know that in your tales, I need not fear to stumble upon such inappropriate subject matter.

Well done!
Emberike chapter 9 . 5/1/2011
Brilliant! Aravis in the last one was right on the spot!
foreverkneeld chapter 6 . 3/20/2011
Oh, me. Edmund's line 'I'm not Jill. Are you Jill, Peter?' reminded me muchly of Peter Pan. 'I'm Redskin today - what are you, Tootles?' :D Love.
Desertfyre chapter 10 . 3/17/2011
I enjoyed this series! Loved it! D A great idea! D
Desertfyre chapter 8 . 3/17/2011
Now that was chilly even for me to read.

I kinda like the darker side here. Kinda like the Devil got her, and that is who she was talking to, if you want to look at it that way.

Very good, though still sad. (For a moment I thought, that after Then it shall be, that later one them not talking about Aslan meant that they had died in Last Battle)
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