Reviews for Together
LornaCat chapter 1 . 8/31/2011
Love love love love love this. Don't mind me as I randomly skip through the field of your stories and pick the flowers as I see them, hehe. This was so sweet and wonderful and full of insightful moments between them. My heart really hurt while they talked it out, with Sawyer not realizing til she said it - that him being a bad ass and taking all the punches was what really hurt Juliet, not just Phil striking her. Loooove. Another insightful moment - Sawyer saying I love you first for the first time. And that he just knew she would notice because Juliet is an observant mo fo, that's like her thing, observing and being reserved about sharing it. Her level of sharing was perfect and Sawyer's voice was perfect - well hey you're just really good at writing them, I hope you are very confident in that already, but just in case, here I am saying it again!


Ah the tenderness at the end. So much love.
Bureaucrat chapter 1 . 2/16/2010
Very nice fic. It's great to see after all that those two still have each other's backs!
justawritier chapter 1 . 11/30/2009
loved it!

"He couldn't take his eyes off the blood on her lip though. He couldn't bear the fact to see any man hit a woman and not be able to do anything about it, but it was worse to watch Phil hit the woman he'd fallen in love with." I just loved the part.
Peacockgirl chapter 1 . 5/17/2009
Love it. I have become a sucker for Sawyer/Juliet fluff, and this is really well written, and a scene I would have liked to have seen. Plus I think you captured Horace really well, too.

Well-Phil did die, so you got that wish! Although I too am desperately hoping that Juliet comes back somehow next season-and with all the island craziness, I do believe it's possible.
Lizzie chapter 1 . 5/14/2009
hey, I really enjoy this, as all of your missing pieces! I will pretend that it happened on the show...

I'm brasilian and I'd like to translate this to portuguese so more suliet fans could read! I'd give you all the credits of course! so, could I? ;]
WingAvis103 chapter 1 . 5/10/2009
Yay! Another Missing Piece... I love it!

I love the fact that Juliet didn't cry because Phil hit her... because I don't think she would cry at that...

And I was wondering how they got cleaned up so I like the fact that you had them doing it themselves...for eachother...

Thanks for sharing
Lexxa91 chapter 1 . 5/10/2009
oh God!i love it! I'll just pretend it was on the episode and will be happy _ Especially with Sawyer saying "i love you" first )
ILoveNeil chapter 1 . 5/9/2009
really good. I would've loved to see this scene on the show
MaggieMayI chapter 1 . 5/8/2009
I hate how the previews always tease us with James/Juliet stuff...its like they know they aren't giving us enough! Great piece...the last couple James/Juliet scenes from this episode really stuck with me. Phil definitely needs his ass kicked...and so does Kate! Everyone always interrupts our James/Juliet moments and i'm sick of it! Keep up the great work!
ARSpunky chapter 1 . 5/8/2009
This was perfect perfect perfect! I would have loved to see a scene just like this. Wonderful story! Thanks for sharing. :)
AdulterousWhore chapter 1 . 5/8/2009
omg i LOVED it :D :D :D

... if only they'd put it in the episode! Oh well ... i can dream! lol!
Jennay chapter 1 . 5/8/2009


That was adorable though. :]
mcmarvel chapter 1 . 5/7/2009
Love Love Loved it

This was just awesome!
Hope-W chapter 1 . 5/7/2009
loved it! i loved a lot
ce matin la chapter 1 . 5/7/2009
Aw, I love me some fluff

your comments: Phil should die? How about a certain green-eyed brunette who can just ruin moments like that!
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