Reviews for Homecoming
VG LittleBear chapter 1 . 2/8/2014
Great story, I could just see Tony there. Cousins are the best (hugging my cousins in my mind).
Never saw Dark Angel episodes, but I like the way you spin the cuz stories. Thanks and cheers!
Long Live BRUCAS chapter 1 . 11/1/2011
Aww what a nice time for Tony. he has family that wants him. And that will make time to have him be a part of there life.

And little Logan so cute. He loves his big cousin.
suzee85 chapter 1 . 6/22/2009
Hey, I just discovered yolu whilest looking for new DA fanfic. i've been looking for some more good stories for a while. Also a big fan of NCIS so when I came across you I was really happy! I love your style, and this story is so heart warming and gives a good sense of where the characters are coming from, I just love it! I am now about to start reading the rest of your DA - NCIS cross overs so I may be up for several days! lol! Thank you for sharing your tallent and skill, I only wish I could be half as good!

From a critical point of view I have to say it reads really naturally, with a diverse vocab. and thought provoking detail - bringing the reader into the characters thoughts. Good job!
fandroid chapter 1 . 5/28/2009
Gut-wrenching, heart-warming.

A fine addition to the series/timeline.
BlueAngel137 chapter 1 . 5/12/2009
Ah Shy, this is just a wonderful portait of young Tony, and so beautifully written. I really like how you write Logan's mom - so nice, so caring, so WARM - somehow this story makes me want to meet her. ;-) And yeah - little Logan is too cute, just imagining teenage-Tony how he takes sleepy Logan piggy back made me grin from ear to ear. *sigh*

My favorite part:

-...“Trips? Adventures? C’mon, Tony, you usually have something in the works.” He could hear his Aunt Sarah, not really all that much older then he, as she worked to get him to talk to her. She’d done just this with increasing frequency over the years, always seeming to know when he needed her the most, and how to let him know that she cared about him, too. Just that much made him feel a little more and a little less alone, all at once...

(so nice)

Mari83 chapter 1 . 5/10/2009
So sweet and warm, made me smile from beginning to end. (Actually this is one of the stories that if read in a public place would make me look like silly, grinning idiot)

There’s something sweet and innocent about your teenage Tony, insecure and really still a kid (nothing of this in-spite childishness he sometimes has in show). So many similarities to Logan’s childhood, the rich family who doesn’t care (although with the advantage of not having to think of the money for plane tickets), (half-)orphaned, the boarding school many stories have for Logan too) – and still in parts your Tony feels different than I would imagine Logan in the same age. In a completely over-analyzing way seems like it’s showing the differences in their characters maybe, Tony being more able to take things less gravely?

(Also maybe thinking that Tony’s father’s indifference and Jonas being more actively belittling might result in different attitudes in Tony / Logan) Creeping into your story, sorry….

Also (admittedly) I really do like this because of all the things it implies for Logan, at least loving parents and a happy early childhood. (And because of the way it all connects, both universes, like in the prospect of upcoming shared summers, the cabin, making me think of both ‘Bookends’ and ‘Concurrent Jurisdiction’)

"he found himself walking and moving as silently as he could, so he wouldn’t gouge the silence ..."

Great description, perfectly captures that feeling of being alone in big house.

"So what had happened? Did he just now remember that next week was spring break? Tony had wondered. Did someone have it on the calendar and just now think to tell him?"

Tony not being allowed to come home would be bad enough, but the impression of Tony’s father not caring at all is much stronger with him not even taking the time to tell Tony, leaving his son to figure out what’s different this time. The new step-mother fits in just perfectly to marginalize Tony even in his own core family.

“Oh, just fine, except your favorite cousin decided this week that he no longer wishes to wear shoes. Ever,” she emphasized dramatically. “The couple times I tried to insist, he made quite a scene,” she sighed a long-suffering sigh for his amusement.

Her sudden, sharp laughter made it clear she hadn’t even considered the alternative. “Oh, no, Tony; don’t even imply that...”

I think this was the point where I grinned the most goofily, because, like I said, little, stubborn, barefoot Logan is the cutest thing:-)

"He listened in surprise as Aunt Sarah told him that he was wanted, that he was welcome – that he had a place with them, even if he didn’t have much of one under his father’s roof. He must have been gaping because her pretty eyes shifted in concern"

Something touching in the way Tony doesn’t want to be affected and pretends that he doesn’t care but can’t keep it up with his aunt's friendliness, how he’s unable to imagine people would want him there.

There are a lot of reasons why your version of Logan’s mother is one of the most alive (and likeable), but maybe the biggest is her gentle affection, the careful, opposite of pressurizing way in which she makes Tony talk or offers the summer stays... and of course the pragmatic taking actions-attitude in just getting Tony into the next plane.

"He stuck out his hand, man to man, and said carefully, “hello, sir...”

“Hello, yourself.” His uncle took his outstretched hand and shook it, then pulled him easily into a hug with his free arm. “But you still get a hug from me, no matter how big you are now.”

This is just great, first the similarities between Tony’s and Logan’s father, intimidating Tony into the stiff, formal behavior of his home , even scared of being sent back– and then his real character behind his work-absence, the warmth and welcoming.

(Having a pizzeria on speed-dial is a perfect detail and a nice insight into the Cale every day life:-)

“a sausage, pepperoni and extra cheese...” He winked at Tony when he saw the teenager’s eyes light up like the sun at the very thought of such a perfectly masculine

Unrelated food thought, but interesting how a particular pizza spread can be considered masculine in one culture and have no meaning in another (except maybe being an exotic combination).

Thanks for the smiles (and hint where to find) and…if there’s more of this floating around in your head, any hopes it might be written out? (And sorry for half-turning this into a DA-review)
Sarah1965 chapter 1 . 5/10/2009
Oh this is gorgeous, a real rollercoaster of an emotional ride for Tony but thank goodness he has people who do love him and care about him. So obvious by the reactions that even though he's used to his Aunt Sarah caring he is still surprised by his Uncle Robert's love and concern and there's no debating as to the way his little cousin feels about him! The Tony we know is such a caring and protective person that it is obvious that somewhere along the line he had someone other than his uncaring alcoholic parents to look after him and this relationship explains this perfectly. The story is not marked as being complete so does it continue into telling the story of Tony's week with them? I hope so, and I hope they do address the need for reassurance he has over their love for him, it's obviously an emotional subject for him along with his father's lack of concern and love for his son.
latenightrain chapter 1 . 5/9/2009
Love it! Your cousin stories are great. This is a slightly different take on the Logan history through the Tony-backdoor too. I can see how your later Tony-Logan Concurrent Jurisdiction, etc. builds on the cousin relationship that began here. What a great surprise for late night reading.
crokettsgirl chapter 1 . 5/9/2009
I love all your Cousin stories from Dark Angel and NCIS. You tied a lot of things in this one. Never had the earlier version of the memories the cousins shared in the stories. The cabin, the relationship with his aunt Sarah and Logan. You really did a great job and love this as much as I have the whole Cousin series you wrote. Excellent and can't wait for more. Sue
Le Bibliothecaire chapter 1 . 5/9/2009
Aw, that was excellent! I love both NCIS and Dark Angel and I very much enjoy your "cousins" stories. A "cousins" story alert in my inbox is always a good thing :)
Marcus Sylenus chapter 1 . 5/9/2009
Beautiful :D