Reviews for From Russia with LoVe
sseaman chapter 32 . 2/21
Are you planning to write any more of this story? That’s quite a cliffhanger you’ve left us with!
SmilesP chapter 32 . 2/11
I know it’s like 10/11 years old but wow is it sad to find this unfinished with only a chapter or two left. Long shot I know but it’s be awesome if you had of continued this. Thanks for the wonderful read
ptitemel38 chapter 32 . 10/29/2019
This story is over ten year old but I just found it and if you are still around to read that I just wanted to say that it is a really good story and I wish you would have took the time to finish it !
Poor Keith will forever think his daughter is dead. chapter 32 . 2/28/2019
I know it’s been a few years but I really need to know what happens next! For this being your first fic it’s been one of my favorites! It’s too good to be left unfinished.
amanda chapter 32 . 11/12/2018
Oh. My. God. What?! There isn't any more? How is this your first fanfic? It is perfect in every possible way! It reads like a REAL season 4. Please please return and finish i AND write your next "episode" - they are long, so SEASON. But it's not too long at all! It is just what we need. 3
paganraimi chapter 32 . 2/12/2018
loved this wow
degfas chapter 32 . 10/21/2017
the story is good. your repartee is great.
GuessAgain chapter 32 . 10/14/2017
This is fantastic! You had a really interesting story going here. Great characterization, great plot, great action. I am incredibly sad that you ended with just "one or two chapters left." I especially loved the scenes at the cabin...Veronica focused only on her goal, and not the danger...Logan and Keith almost reaching her before the explosion...V saving herself, and then being betrayed by someone she could have been written as an episode. Thanks for posting, even this much is just great!
Guest chapter 32 . 8/29/2017
Please continue with this story.
Guest chapter 32 . 1/20/2017
Please continue with this story.
Guest chapter 32 . 10/19/2016
I am really enjoying this story. It is on the edge of your seat good. I can't wait to see what happens next. I hope you continue and finish this story. The length is a good length. I like the longer stories better.
Guest chapter 32 . 7/21/2016
Please finish this story!
aperfectsong chapter 32 . 7/15/2016
Agh! I started reading this thinking it was done. Well, it was a good read while it lasted. I'm sure if you decided to finish it, you'd have readers! I wanted to see them get Schuler. :( I enjoyed the whole story. I'll follow just on the off chance you are looking for something to do one day and decide to finish you VM fanfic from like forever ago.
alinasorokina chapter 1 . 5/26/2016
it is such a great story and it is really awful that you've never finished it
JoeCool701 chapter 32 . 3/23/2016
So I found this story and read all of it in matter of hours. I hope that you complete it one day. I would really love to read how it ends!
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