Reviews for Weightless
Ciya chapter 4 . 7/16/2009
Whoa, a total mental trip for poor Dean. Those forest critters really want the boys badly.
Gabsmom chapter 4 . 7/16/2009
This story is going great! I love how Deans resolve and sense of reality is being tested. Please post again soon!
Madartiste chapter 1 . 5/27/2009
I can't begin to describe how awesome this story is turning out. It's creepy, angsty, and all sorts of excellent. I love the dark fairy tale vibe and you've done a brilliant job weaving bits from the guys' past into the story. Fantastic!
skag trendy chapter 3 . 5/11/2009
Really glad I found this one mate! I was in the mood for some angst and Limp Sam, and this hits the spot nicely.

What a terrible decision for the boys to have to make. Help the girl or save themselves. Personally, I think he made the right choice, tough though it was.

And love the little stories Dean recounts in his head from when the boys were younger.

Well done. Can't wait for more.

Kind regards,

ST x