Reviews for The one where Castiel goes to to the movies
Guest chapter 1 . 7/18/2013
Spent the majority of this quoting Kevin tran and going 'WHATS HAPPENING'
Jimmy Collins chapter 1 . 8/26/2011
...I've seen crack!fic before but you seem to give it a whole new meaning.

Are you a guy or a girl? I have different interpretations about this based on which you are.
littleaprilroses chapter 1 . 4/6/2010
Im sorry but I just gotta ask... Were you HIGH when you wrote this? xD Or on any type of heavy medication? }ause thats proabaly one of the most random things I have ever read in my entire LIFE! LoLz :P
MycroftsAngelEyes chapter 1 . 11/21/2009
OMG... *falls off chair in fits*... never... read... something... so... python... before!

lol lol lol

It's pure, insan genius and I want to watch all of the movies - especially Uriel the Angelic Terrorist!
Lady Gwenevere Smith chapter 1 . 11/9/2009
Or Star Trek, the Next Space Nine VS The Return of the Empire

I had to stop reading and delve into a coughing fit of laughter after I came to that title. HEE!
Meeve chapter 1 . 9/23/2009
hahaha! yes! this was brilliant! made my night! XD now hopefully i can rest well knowing there is this wonderful story here!

though now i have the song "Angel in the Centerfold" stuck in my head.
Pancake Pet chapter 1 . 9/9/2009
My word, that has got to be the most.. Outstandingly weird, yet oddly lovely parody in the diffies! :) BTW, I love "The Return of Uriel the Angelic Terrorist" *not really, I just like that his name is one letter short of mine, LOL*
L5472 chapter 1 . 5/15/2009
LOL ha! Oh that was good... *cracks up*
Rude and not Ginger chapter 1 . 5/15/2009
Lolz :P Great fic. Hmm, where can I subscribe for PlayAngel magazine? Or I'll have to steal Dean's copy!
williewildcat chapter 1 . 5/15/2009
OMG! The crack fic master is back! I would say the Pope has watched way to much Monty Python indeed! Then poor Chuck being chased by Zacchariah! He just doesn't wanna cut the poor guy any slack!

Sam and surprise there! LOL!

No ninja mice this time?