Reviews for China Plates chapter 1 . 3/26/2010
Was a little worried when started reading this fic with Sam disappearing - glad it turned out just to be Dean having a nightmare! Nice brotherly moments, really enjoyed it, even though we now know Season 5 started off in such a different way!
anon chapter 1 . 8/22/2009
There so many stories where Sam just forgives Dean. Where are the ones where Sam does absolution for nearly choking the life out of him (shortly after Alastair had done the same damn thing) and leaving him on the floor? Among well everything else he did for a year? Oh and killing that woman?
LaylaBinx chapter 1 . 5/23/2009
Oh I just love ooey gooey stories! This was soo great! The nightmare was great, totally remenicent of Sam being kidnapped in Season 2. Great story as always!

"Because the next thing you know, Sam, they'll have us wearing pink boxers and playing Twister." Lmao! This is the best line ever!

"The unbreakable kind, dude." I loved this last part, it brought tears to my eyes .

Super great story hon! Keep it up!
annj chapter 1 . 5/17/2009
Oh, that was nice. Like the "unbreakable" comment *happy sigh*
Master Li chapter 1 . 5/17/2009
Thanks for this, I was going into withdrawl myself from lack of brother moments in the show this season. I need my brother moments! I really hope something sorta sappy like this happened when the episode ended, they need to connect again. On another note, I laughed so hard when I finished reading and noticed the internet add at the bottom of the story was for China plates.
QuierdoMusic chapter 1 . 5/17/2009
:) Loved the tag... We really need some bonding time in the 5. season... :D 1. episode! :D And that was really cute...

Dean taking care of his lil bro... perfect.
Monika11 chapter 1 . 5/17/2009
What a scary, horrible, nightmarish life the brothers are living.:-(

What helps is your wonderful writing, dear friend. You pick out the good feelings. I loved the last lines...:-)

pandora jazz chapter 1 . 5/16/2009
I'm enjoying the tags to this episode.

For a moment there, I wondered what I was reading when Sam disappeared, scared me. I'm glad it was a nightmare.

I really hope the phone message is cleared up between the brothers, but by next season Kripke probably won't even think of it.

I liked your reference to the china.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.
BlueGecko chapter 1 . 5/16/2009
It might be ooey and gooey, but it is awesome as well. I needed a bit of just nice brotherly love to go with the end of the finale and this was just perfect. Thanks for posting.
Dianne chapter 1 . 5/16/2009
We need ooey gooey right now, so this was perfect! I loved the references to china plates. Very clever. I hope they still trust Cas because so far, he's the only the one that's tried to at least be as honest as he can. It was also nice that Sam made reference to Jess, something to give hope that he truly hasn't lost his humanity yet. Very nice story. Thanks