Reviews for In it for Love
cctwilight chapter 20 . 3/18/2015
Really good story! Enjoyed it!
Sayblegirl chapter 7 . 7/2/2013
That was a fu*khot lemon! Bella isn't gonna like it when other chicks are hitting on Edward because of her "no strings attached rule."
Sayblegirl chapter 1 . 7/1/2013
Great start! I am really liking cocky Edward.
k chapter 20 . 6/6/2013
i loved this story so much
k chapter 8 . 6/5/2013
I need to go to bed but I cant stop reading because its so damn good. Good job!
Library Llama 6468 chapter 20 . 3/31/2013
WOW! WHAT AN AMAZING STORY! Holy cow girl! I started this yesterday afternoon, when I was supposed to be studying, and haven't been able to stop until I finished! Simply amazing...I didn't like Bella at first, I'll admit, but her backstory made her magnificent. And a Bad Boy Edward? Holy crap. This was very well written and makes me want MORE! So awesome. Congrats on an EPIC story!
cutealy chapter 20 . 6/14/2012
What a fabulous ending to a wonderful story. Thanks so much for sharing it! xxxxAlyxxx
cutealy chapter 19 . 6/14/2012
Awwww, Edward did all that for his lady he loves. WOW!
cutealy chapter 18 . 6/14/2012
OMG...Whats he been up to?
cutealy chapter 17 . 6/14/2012
What a devious shit Emmitt is and Rose supposed to be Bellas friend too. Edward to the rescue!
cutealy chapter 16 . 6/14/2012
A! Give the boy a chance to explain silly cow!
cutealy chapter 15 . 6/14/2012
I knew that bet with Assper would bite his butt! Stupid Eddie!
cutealy chapter 13 . 6/14/2012
Awwww, Edward is such a sweetie!
cutealy chapter 8 . 6/13/2012
Mmmmmm, Bella being Miss Marple to find out about Edwards past!
cutealy chapter 7 . 6/13/2012
Your dedication is appreciated. Hot and steamy between this two, but no emotions? I dont think so!
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