Reviews for A Night In The Vault
Neano chapter 13 . 12/25/2019
That’s a nice story. I enjoyed it so much. Especially the end
Guest chapter 13 . 8/11/2019
This was a great story.
Truckee Gal chapter 13 . 10/6/2018
A truly unique and satisfying story with twists, turns and lots of Lee and Amanda love! It's well-written, too. Makes me wonder, why was this your only S&MK story?
Truckee Gal chapter 12 . 10/6/2018
Sad as they are, this frees them to re-marry about six weeks from now, which is the date they first met October 3rd. They can still celebrate their February 13th wedding under the guise of Valentines Day.
Truckee Gal chapter 11 . 10/6/2018
It cracked me up that Amanda knew Lee would read the letter she wrote to him and even where to put it.
Truckee Gal chapter 10 . 10/6/2018
Lee's already manning the grill! Happy that Dotty came up with the backyard marriage idea, which Lee, Phillip and Jamie all embraced. Can't wait for Lee to fill Amanda in that she's getting married ... again!

No way Lee could resist reading Amanda's note to him, but hoping he doesn't read the three others.
Truckee Gal chapter 9 . 10/6/2018
Thank God Amanda appears to have her memory intact and she wasn't recklessly climbing on step stools, lugging heavy boxes knowingly pregnant. Dotty being reassured by Lee that he wants her to stay, soothes her hurt feelings of being out of the loop for years. I remember Amanda giving Lee several pairs of identical argyle socks the first Christmas after they met. With Lee's love of steak and baked potato, I see him taking over as grill master in the backyard. I wonder how Dotty feels about squid and enoki mushrooms? LOL
Truckee Gal chapter 8 . 10/6/2018
Giving her another grandchild is the fastest way to soften Dotty's heart to forgive Lee and Amanda the two big secrets they kept from her. Still suspect she'll get angry once she knows her own "baby" is going to recover.
Truckee Gal chapter 7 . 10/6/2018
Somewhere in her muddled, injured mind Amanda heard or at least felt Lee's presence. I'm sure of that! He didn't intend for Dotty to hear him talking to Amanda, but Dotty must cut Lee some slack because his love for her daughter is palpable.
Truckee Gal chapter 6 . 10/6/2018
The cat's out of the bag with Billy and, being the matchmaker extraordinaire, he took it all well in stride. Next comes Dotty and it's a toss up how she'll respond first; then again and again as her overwrought mind swings from worry to anger to delight ...
Truckee Gal chapter 5 . 10/6/2018
The good news is ... Lee found her, he got help and discovered some hopefully awesome news. Will she fully recover or was her memory damaged?

The bad news is ... to get her treated immediately, Lee had to let Billy and the doctor know that Amanda and he are married. Will that cause problems with their work? Dotty is still in the dark and worried that Amanda hasn't called. .
Truckee Gal chapter 4 . 10/6/2018
Oh no! Why oh why didn't she call it a day before thinking of the two Q Bureau boxes? She also should have waited for help lifting heavy boxes so high. She was wasn't thinking clearly BEFORE her concussion!

Why was Lee so unobservant? Gosh darn, he better call her house to learn she never came home. Then get security tapes to see when she left the building, which she never did leave.

Too bad Amanda slid the note under the door for help AFTER Lee left. Yikes!
Truckee Gal chapter 3 . 10/6/2018
Best keep your wits about you, Scarecrow. Save the daydreaming for when you're with Amanda. Remember that Augie always spelled t-r-o-u-b-l-e.
Truckee Gal chapter 2 . 10/6/2018
As Robert Burns said: The best laid plans ...
Truckee Gal chapter 1 . 10/6/2018
Apart without any contact is distressing and worrisome. Couldn't Lee drop a numbered string of "anonymous" postcards in the mail so she knows he's not imprisoned? Doesn't Billy know by now that they work best together?
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