Reviews for Access All Areas
HalianFromPlanetZork chapter 1 . 2/22/2010
This is pure Rich Fulcher porn this is! I love Eleanor and i think you've got her just right in this. Poor Bob not knowing how to respond to her, he's probably never been flirted at in his life, he's finally got some action. Even though i enjoyed this, it's giving me nightmares also. haha
Beechwood0708 chapter 1 . 5/30/2009
You know, I can never remember whether I actually left any feedback on this when you wrote it. Not that it really matters, considering that you know I love it and it's perfect and I love it and I love you :-D That and the first time I read it, it induced a squeefest of gargantuan proportions.

'Tis both hilarious and sexy, like you. And flawlessly in character. Which you're not, but I really wouldn't want you to be irl. That would be quite disturbing.

But yeah, those brilliant euphemisms were so Eleanor, and they still do some rather lovely things to me. Fossil is absolutely hysterical, and the fact he doesn't have any dialogue until the end gives that such a hilarious punch.

See, even in what is meant to just be a hello-I-love-you sort of message, I still wind up getting mildly sort-of-analytical. I need to get back into the habit of reviewing things when I have the time, methinks.

But yeah. This is pure love. A fic which makes the word "relish" spring to mind- there's such a sense of relish in it; Eleanor's relish, and your relish, and the relish of the reader. Definitely a fic to be relished.

I'll shut up now. I love you! I love you about elebenty-twelve times more than I love Eleanor, and I think the review above pretty much shows what I think about Eleanor (nom).

Okay, shutting up for reals this time.

(And yes, I should be writing an essay. FAIL.)

Love you!

Sara Noir chapter 1 . 5/26/2009
o.O -.-

That was hilariously disturbing. I love it and it gives me nightmares!

Ha. Rich Fulcher seducing Rich Fulcher...

*brain explodes*

that really was a disturbing thought o.O


PS I really did like it, t'was hilarious :D
SisiDraig chapter 1 . 5/25/2009
LMAO! - I'll be honest I kinda had an incling(sp?) it was going to be Fossil, just because Vince would have been too obvious but it was still brilliantly written! ]

You really got into Eleanor's head. Not sure that's a compliment thinking about it. I mean, what does that say exactly; 'you got into the head of Rich Fulcher in drag really well'? - Oh well, it was MEANT as a compliment. And poor Fossil he really gets NO manner of luck does he?

Great idea - brilliantly written!
